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Zur Narratologie des Schweigens
How can silence be described as an originary-linguistic figuration of elimination? This question will be discussed in eight contemporary works. They focus on negatively connotated types of silence in the context of traumatic experiences: (1) “Schweigen-Wollen” (defensive silence), (2) “Schweigen-Sollen” (repressive silence), (3) “Schweigen-Müssen” (overwhelmed silence) and (4) “Schweigen-Aushalten”. The works show, that silence – in the sense of a communicative action – has a negative effect on remembrance and identity designs of the figures and narrators. Yet, it advances into a productive moment of structurisation and form giving when used in the sense of a narrative strategy. Based on narratological thoughts this work makes approaches of linguistics, memory research, psychotraumatology and narrative identity theory fertile for text interpretation. With regard to trauma research, it provides an actualisation of the motive history of silence.
Buch (Gebundene Ausgabe)