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New books & releases for you to discover

There’s nothing like the feel of a new book and reading the latest romance, sci-fi or mystery adventure story that will whisk you away from your day-to-day life. New books are released every month, and they are some of the most sought-after titles of the year – from the most recent installment of a fantasy epic to the latest historical crime thriller. So, whatever your favourite genre, you will find a new book that is sure to appeal to you.

New books in English: Get ahead of the game

If you just can’t wait for the new best-selling novel from your favourite author to be translated into your native language, then why not read the English-language version? You’ll get to appreciate the nuance of the original language and experience first-hand how the author builds up atmosphere and tension. And by reading the latest book release in English, you’ll be one of the first to know the twists and turns of the plot!

Find out more about new book releases

You can hear about which new books are coming out when they are due to be released through many sources – newspapers, online reviews, podcasts, book clubs, even social media such as TikTok. Book charts such as the New York Times Best-Seller List and book award shortlists are also a useful source of recent book releases. And of course, as well as fiction books, there is always an extensive selection of new self-help manuals, travel guides and cookbooks to discover every month.

Browse the latest book releases & new in books from home

Every month sees new book releases, so remember to visit the Orell Füssli online shop regularly to discover the latest best-sellers. We stock new fiction novels, the latest children’s books and recently released non-fiction guides with reviews to help you choose the right book for you.