New York Times Bestsellers



Junge Erwachsene

Crème de la crème: New York Times Best-Sellers

It’s the list that every author wants to be on – The New York Times Best-Sellers List. Since 1931, the New York Times has published a list of the best-selling books in the USA every week. Although the actual way the list compiled is a closely guarded trade secret and there has been some controversy with the accuracy of the list in the past, it is widely considered to be a definitive list of sales and therefore success.

How do books get on the New York Times Best-Seller list?

The New York Times Best-Seller list is actually multiple lists. It started off as a list of five fiction and four non-fiction novels that were best-sellers in New York City. Over the years, the list now covers all of the USA and there are separate lists for fiction and non-fiction genres as well as format – hardback, paperback and e-books. Several further lists covering children’s and young adult fiction as well as advice and how-to books have also been added. Each list has between 15 and 20 positions and a single title can appear on several lists, depending on their subject matter. To be on the list, it is estimated a book must sell between 5,000 and 10,000 copies in a week.

Notable New York Times Best-Seller authors

Well-established authors such as James Patterson, JK Rowling, Stephen King and Danielle Steel are all #1 New York Times Best-Sellers but the list has also helped lesser known authors breakthrough with their new novels. At 598 weeks, The Road Less Travelled by M. Scott Peck has had the longest run on the New York Times Best-Seller List. And James A Michener’s Hawaii spent the longest time as number one – 38 weeks, but most books spend around 6 weeks in the top spot.

Discover the latest New York Times Best-Sellers

Whether you are looking for the latest popular fiction novel or a best-seller that everyone is talking about, browse the New York Times Best-Sellers section of the Orell Füssli online shop.