First European Congress of Mathematics
Band 121

First European Congress of Mathematics

Paris, July 6–10, 1992 Round Tables

Aus der Reihe

Fr. 171.00

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Fr. 62.90

First European Congress of Mathematics

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Anthony Joseph + weitere


Springer Basel






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Springer Basel



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  • First European Congress of Mathematics
  • Table of Contents of Volume III.- Round Table A: Mathematics and the General Public.- Appendix: Replies to a Questionnaire.- Round Table B: Women and Mathematics.- Round Table C: Mathematics and Educational Policy.- Mathematics in the School Curricula in Flemish Speaking Belgium.- Mathematics in the French Educational System.- The Role of Mathematics in Educational Policies in Germany.- Italy: Mathematics in Higher Education.- Mathematics and Educational Policy (United Kingdom).- Round Table D: Let’s Cultivate Mathematics!.- Introductory Remarks.- Institutional Dimension in the Definition of Cultural Strategies in Mathematics.- Television Mathematics: Cultivation or Distortion?.- Mathematicians and the Need for Critical Self-Reflection.- Mathematics in its Historical Context.- Ecology of Mathematical Knowledge: An Alternative Vision of the Popularization of Mathematics.- Round Table E: Mathematical Europe, Myth or Historical Reality?.- The Creation of (the History of) Algebra.- The Perenniality of Programmes.- Mathematical Europe from Outside Europe.- At the Beginning of our World: The Nineteenth Century.- Centers and Peripheries.- Conclusions.- Round Table F: Philosophie des mathématiques: pourquoi? comment?.- Formes, opérations, objets en mathématiques et en philosophic.- Le platonisme transcendantal et le probléme de l’objectivité.- Reflexions on Formalism and Reductionism in Logic and Computer Science.- Pourquoi les mathématiques sont-elles difficiles?.- Le geste bien plutôt que la règle.- Discussion.- Round Table G: Mathématiques et sciences sociales.- au débat.- On the Use of Mathematics in Social Sciences: Some Remarks.- La sociologie face à la mathématisation.- Round Table H: Mathematics and Industry.- Round Table I: Degree Harmonization and Student Exchange Programmes.- Round Table J: The Pythagoras Programme A European Policy for Mathematics.- Round Table K: Collaboration with Developing Countries.- Appendix I: Contributions made by Mathematical Societies.- Appendix II: Individual Reports.- Appendix III: Centers in Collaboration.- Round Table L: Mathematical Libraries in Europe.- Financing of the Libraries.- The Situation of Libraries in Russia.- The Situation of Libraries in Poland.- The Financial Situation of Mathematical Libraries in Hungary.- Scientific Publishing and Problems of Documentation.- Documentary Inflation and the Rising Cost of Journals.- New Technologies and Computerization.- Computerization of Spanish Libraries.- The French Experience and Norms.- Appendix 1: Results of the Questionnaire.- Appendix 2: Statistical Data.- Appendix 3: Manufacturing Costs.- Appendix 4: Electronic Publishing: A Few Remarks.- Questionnaire.- Round Table M: Mathematics and Economics.- Round Table O: Mathématiques et chimie.- Mathématiques et modélisation en dynamique chimique.- Mathématiques et science des matériaux.- Knowledge Acquisition in Chemistry.- Mathematical Methods for Determining Crystal Structure.- La théorie des groupes en chimie.- Mathématiques et chimie quantique.- Mathématiques et chimie en recherche pharmaceutique.- Two Global Methods for Molecular Geometry Optimization.- Géométrie fractale et équations différentielles d’ordre non entier en chimie physique.- Round Table P: Mathematics in Medicine and Biology.- Medical Statistics: an Example from Diabetes Epidemiology.- Point Process Approach of Life Histories: Causal Chains.- Two Signal Cell Activation Explored with Simple Mathematics.- A Theory of the Functional Organization of Biological Systems Applied to Neural Networks.- Stochastic Vistas to the Analysis of Physical Mapping of the Genome.- Rhythms and Chaos in Biological Systems.- Discussion and conclusions.- Index of Authors of Volume III.