Dictionary of Financial Engineering
Over 2.000 Terms explaned
Fr. 82.90
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John Wiley & SonsSeitenzahl
Maße (L/B/H)
23.5/15.7/2 cm
Financial engineering is where technology and quantitative analysis meet on Wall Street to solve risk problems and find investment opportunities. It evolved out of options pricing, and, at this time, is primarily focused on derivatives since they are the most difficult instruments to price and are also the riskiest. Not only is financial engineering a relatively new field, but by its nature, it continues to grow and develop. This unique dictionary explains and clarifies for financial professionals the important terms, concepts, and sometimes arcane language of this increasingly influential world of high finance and potentially high profits.
John F. Marshall (New York, NY) is a Managing Partner of Marshall, Tucker & Associates, a New York-based financial engineering and consulting firm. Former Executive Director of then International Association of Financial Engineers, Marshall is the author of several books, including Understanding Swaps.
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