Doing Business Electronically

Doing Business Electronically

A Global Perspective of Electronic Commerce

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Fr. 72.90

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Doing Business Electronically

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Celia T. Romm + weitere


Springer Berlin











Springer Berlin



Maße (L/B/H)

23.5/15.5/1.3 cm


365 g







Weitere Bände von Computer Supported Cooperative Work

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  • Doing Business Electronically
  • 1. Introduction.- 1.1 General Issues in Electronic Commerce.- 1.2. Commerce on the WWW.- 1.3. Electronic Data Interchange.- 1.4. Electronic Banking.- 1.5. Industry Case Studies.- General Issues in Electronic Commerce.- 2.The Impact of Interorganizational Networks on Buyer-Seller Relationships.- 2.1. Introduction.- 2.2. Electronic Interorganizational Networks and Organizational Forms.- 2.3. Empirical Investigations of Electronic Networks and Interorganizational Relationships.- 2.4. Discussion and Conclusions.- 2.5. References.- 3. The Link between Information Strategy and Electronic Commerce.- 3.1. Introduction.- 3.2. Background.- 3.3. Methodology.- 3.4. Data Analysis.- 3.5. Discussion.- 3.6. Implications for Researchers.- 3.7. Implications for Managers.- 3.8. Conclusion.- 3.9. References.- 4. The Diffusion of Auctions on the Web.- 4.1. The Proposition: From Electronic Hierarchies to Electronic Markets.- 4.2. The Rebuttal: Move to the Middle.- 4.3. The Synthesis: `Anything Goes’ and Mixed-Mode Hypothesis.- 4.4. The Emergence of Auctions on the Web.- 4.5. Types of Auctions and Motives of Participants.- 4.6. A Framework for Auctions.- 4.7. The Impact of the Web on the Diffusion of Auctions.- 4.8. The Move-to-the-Market Hypothesis Reconsidered.- 4.9. From Electronic Hierarchies to Electronic Markets?.- 4.10. Move to the Middle.- 4.11. Mixed-Mode Hypothesis: Strategic Positioning of Web Auctions.- 4.12. Conclusions.- 4.13. References.- 5.Leveraging Security Policy for Competitive Business Advantage in Electronic Commerce.- 5.1. Introduction.- 5.2. Background and Motivation.- 5.3. A Comprehensive Framework for Leveraging Electronic Commerce Security Policy to Create Competitive Business Advantage.- 5.4. Illustration of the Comprehensive Framework.- 5.5. Conclusions and Future Research.- 5.6. Acknowledgements.- 5.7. References.- Commerce on the WWW.- 6.The Dynamics of Establishing Organizational Web Sites.- 6.1. Introduction.- 6.2. Literature Review.- 6.3. Case Study.- 6.4. Discussion.- 6.5. Conclusion.- 6.6. References.- 7.Influence of Choice Context on Consumer Decision Making in Electronic Commerce.- 7.1. Introduction.- 7.2. Prior Research on Choice Context and Electronic Commerce.- 7.3. Model of the Consumers’ Decision-Making Process.- 7.4. Theoretical Development of the Hypotheses.- 7.5. Conclusions and Proposed Extensions to the Research.- 7.6. References.- 8.Electronic Public Procurement.- 8.1 Introduction.- 8.2. Current Practices in Public Procurement: The Paper-Based Environment.- 8.3. Problems with Current Practices.- 8.4. International Initiatives for the Automation of Public Procurement.- 8.5. Towards a Mediterranean Electronic Public Procurement Environment.- 8.6. Conclusion and Further Research.- 8.7. References.- 9. ELPRO: Electronic Procurement in Europe.- 9.1. Public Procurement in Europe.- 9.2. Public Procurement.- 9.3. Model Procurement Systems.- 9.4. Changing User Needs: Developments in Procurement.- 9.5. ELPRO System Architecture.- 9.6. ELPRO in Practice and Further World.- 9.7. Acknowledgements.- 9.8. References.- Electronic Data Interchange (EDI).- 10. EDI Maturity: A Business Opportunity.- 10.1. Introduction.- 10.2. EDI Maturity Model.- 10.3. EDI and Competitive Advantage.- 10.4. The Operational Use of EDI.- 10.5. EDI and Innovation.- 10.6. Conclusions.- 10.7. References.- 11. Design of Electronic Data Interchange Systems for Small/Medium Enterprises.- 11.1 The Development of Electronic Data Interchange (EDI).- 11.2. What is a Small/Medium Enterprise (SME)?.- 11.3. IT and EDI in Small/Medium Enterprises.- 11.4. Survey Method.- 11.5. Results.- 11.6. Analysis.- 11.7. Conclusion.- 11.8. References.- Electronic Banking.- 12. Paying for Goods and Services in the Information Age.- 12.1. Introduction.- 12.2. Payment Methods.- 12.3. Recent Trends in the Use of Payment Methods.- 12.4. Implications for Electronic Commerce.- 12.5. Summary.- 12.6. References.- 13. Channel Integration.- 13.1. Electronic Banking.- 13.2. Electronic Banking. Creating the Ideal Solution.- 13.3. Comprehensive Solutions.- 13.4. Deployment Considerations.- 13.5. The Challenge of Integration.- 13.6. A Proven Solution.- 13.7. Benefits of the Transaction Processing Engine.- Industry Case Studies.- 14. Information Systems for Electronic Banking.- 14.1. What is Electronic Banking?.- 14.2. Electronic Banking in Indonesia.- 14.3. The Development of Electronic Banking in Indonesia.- 14.4. Conclusions.- 14.5. References.- 15. Use of EDI at BHP Steel.- 15.1. The Early Days - Supply at the Port Kembla Steelworks.- 15.2. Electronic Trading Gateway Initiative.- 15.3. Barcoding and Product Numbering Project.- 15.4. Internet Developments.- 15.5. Conclusion.- 15.6. References.- About the Contributors.