Stochastic Analysis and Mathematical Physics II

Stochastic Analysis and Mathematical Physics II

4th International ANESTOC Workshop in Santiago, Chile

Aus der Reihe

Fr. 73.90

inkl. gesetzl. MwSt.

Stochastic Analysis and Mathematical Physics II

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Rolando Rebolledo


Springer Basel






Gebundene Ausgabe




Rolando Rebolledo


Springer Basel



Maße (L/B/H)

24.1/17/1.5 cm


600 g


1 Auflage 2003





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  • Stochastic Analysis and Mathematical Physics II
  • 1 Quantum Boltzmann Statistics in Interacting Systems.- 1 Introduction.- 2 Quantum Boltzmann statistics for entangled operators.- 3 References.- 2 Interaction Representation Method for Markov Master Equations in Quantum Optics.- 1 Sufficient conditions for conservativity.- 2 A priori bounds.- 3 Structure of generators of MME in quantum optics.- 4 Examples.- 5 Discussion.- 6 References.- 3 A Stochastic Variational Principle for Burgers Equation and its Symmetries.- 1 Introduction.- 2 Variational problem.- 3 Stochastic first integrals.- 4 An integration by parts formula.- 5 References.- 4 Noncommutative Versions of Prohorov and Varadhan Theorems.- 1 Vague and narrow convergence of positive functionals.- 1.1 Vague and narrow topologies.- 1.2 Tightness.- 1.3 Application to quantum dynamical semigroups.- 2 Noncommutative large deviations.- 2.1 Noncommutative capacities and q-semi-continuity.- 2.2 Large deviation principle for states.- 2.3 General Varadhan-type theorem.- 3 References.- 5 Gaussian Domination and Bose-Einstein Condensation.- 1 Introduction.- 2 Some Historical Remarks.- 2.1 Mean field and related model systems: Some mathematical approaches.- 2.2 Infrared bounds approach.- 3 Model Systems.- 4 Gaussian Domination and its Application to the Study of Bose Systems.- 4.1 Bogolubov’s inner product.- 4.2 Bose-Einstein condensation.- 4.3 Upper and Lower Bounds on
    \left\langle {{{\hat n}_j}} \right\rangle $$.- 4.4 Gaussian Domination and upper bound on
    {\left( {a_j^\dag ,{a_j}} \right)_{{H^L}}}
    $$.- 4.5 The phase transition.- 5 References.- 6 Quantum Markov Semigroups and their Stationary States.- 1 Introduction.- 1.1 Preliminaries.- 2 Ergodic theorems.- 3 The minimal quantum dynamical semigroup.- 4 The existence of Stationary States.- 4.1 A general result.- 4.2 Conditions on the generator.- 4.3 Applications.- 5 Faithful Stationary States and Irreducibility.- 5.1 Introduction.- 5.2 The support of an invariant state.- 5.3 Subharmonic projections. The case A=B (h).- 5.4 Examples.- 6 The convergence towards the equilibrium.- 6.1 A result due to Frigerio and Verri.- 6.2 Quantum Markovian Cocycles.- 6.3 Main results.- 6.4 Applications.- 7 References.- 7 Exponential Decay for Perturbations of Pure Point Hamiltonians.- 1 Introduction.- 2 Absolutely continuous perburbations of pure point operators.- 3 Sojourn time and Spectral Entropy.- 4 References.- 8 Propagation of Chaos in Classical and Quantum Kinetics.- 1 Overview.- 2 Classical and Quantum Molecular Chaos.- 2.1 Classical molecular chaos.- 2.2 Quantum molecular chaos.- 2.3 Spohn’s quantum mean-field dynamics.- 3 Classical Manifestations of the Propagation of Quantum Molecular Chaos.- 3.1 Measurement of complete observables.- 3.2 Generalized measurements.- 4 Acknowledgements.- 5 References.- 9 Imprimitivity Systems and Quantum Codes.- 1 Introduction.- 2 Imprimitivity systems and quantization of classical codes.- 3 Tensor products of imprimitivity system and quantum codes.- 4 References.- 10 Boson Fock Algebra on the Unit Ball of the d-Dimensional Complex Numbers.- 1 Introduction.- 2 Operators on the algebra A0 (Bd).- 3 Introduction to Boson Fock space.- 4 Boson Fock space on the unit ball.- 5 References.