• The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian (National Book Award Winner)
  • The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian (National Book Award Winner)

The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian (National Book Award Winner) A Novel

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The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian (National Book Award Winner)

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12 - 17 Jahr(e)




Ellen Forney


Little, Brown Book Group



"This is a gem of a book....may be [Sherman Alexie's] best work yet."-New York Times





12 - 17 Jahr(e)




Ellen Forney


Little, Brown Book Group



Maße (L/B/H)

20.8/14.1/2 cm


244 g





Weitere Bände von Cornelsen Senior English Library, Literatur, Ab 10. Schuljahr

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3 Bewertungen

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5 Sterne

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1 Sterne


Our recommendation- 4 stars

Bewertung aus Heilbronn am 21.01.2021

Bewertungsnummer: 947423

Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)

We read a book because it was in our school program. The type of the book is a teenage novel.This book tells the story of Arnold ´´Junior´´ Spirit,the main character.He lives on the Spokane Indian reservation in Wellpinit,USA. Junior was born with 42 teeth,very big hands and feet and water on the brain.His reservation is very poor,most of the Indians try to forget their pain with the help of alcohol.He decides to leave his hopeless home and he starts a new life at Reardan High School,for whites,where he is the only Indian. The funny style makes the sad topic more comfortable to read. We like the story very much because the author writes in a funny way and comics help to understand the book.He did a great job,because he faced with big problems,but wrapped it in a beautiful story. We would recommend it to everybody who is interested in the Indian lifes.We wouldn´t recommend it to anybody who prefers action stories or who has learnd English for less than 4 years because than it might be difficult to understand the book.

Our recommendation- 4 stars

Bewertung aus Heilbronn am 21.01.2021
Bewertungsnummer: 947423
Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)

We read a book because it was in our school program. The type of the book is a teenage novel.This book tells the story of Arnold ´´Junior´´ Spirit,the main character.He lives on the Spokane Indian reservation in Wellpinit,USA. Junior was born with 42 teeth,very big hands and feet and water on the brain.His reservation is very poor,most of the Indians try to forget their pain with the help of alcohol.He decides to leave his hopeless home and he starts a new life at Reardan High School,for whites,where he is the only Indian. The funny style makes the sad topic more comfortable to read. We like the story very much because the author writes in a funny way and comics help to understand the book.He did a great job,because he faced with big problems,but wrapped it in a beautiful story. We would recommend it to everybody who is interested in the Indian lifes.We wouldn´t recommend it to anybody who prefers action stories or who has learnd English for less than 4 years because than it might be difficult to understand the book.

A MUST-HAVE NOVEL for you!!!:-)

Bewertung aus Nordheim am 21.01.2021

Bewertungsnummer: 947425

Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)

In our opinion Sherman Alexie did an excelent job with "The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-time Indian". We read this book at school and got really impressed by the messages and emotions it contains. This semi-real diary is very interesting and easily takes your attention away from anything else. The book is about a young Indian boy, Junior, who struggles between two worlds; the Indian and the white . The only negative part is the strong language it contains, but that doesn't harm te quality of the story. We warmly recommend you to buy this book, because of its humor, messages, emotions and very creative cartoons. TEAM Bana Evangelina Nevena

A MUST-HAVE NOVEL for you!!!:-)

Bewertung aus Nordheim am 21.01.2021
Bewertungsnummer: 947425
Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)

In our opinion Sherman Alexie did an excelent job with "The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-time Indian". We read this book at school and got really impressed by the messages and emotions it contains. This semi-real diary is very interesting and easily takes your attention away from anything else. The book is about a young Indian boy, Junior, who struggles between two worlds; the Indian and the white . The only negative part is the strong language it contains, but that doesn't harm te quality of the story. We warmly recommend you to buy this book, because of its humor, messages, emotions and very creative cartoons. TEAM Bana Evangelina Nevena

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The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian

von Sherman Alexie


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  • The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian (National Book Award Winner)
  • The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian (National Book Award Winner)