The Human Condition And Intercultural Management
Buch (Taschenbuch, Englisch)
Fr. 66.90
inkl. gesetzl. MwSt.Beschreibung
Maße (L/B/H)
21/14.8/0.9 cm
Document from the year 2011 in the subject Cultural Studies - Miscellaneous, , course: Interkulturelles Management, language: English, abstract: The business-determined reduction and the culturally conditioned reduction of vital phenomena to a set of some presumably relevant categories frozen into fixed abstractions has no life and can therefore give no life either. Yet an alternative approach is challenging, because it requires a human mind with a much wider horizon, willing to go beyond a fashionable quick business fix made possible by quantitative social research approaches. State-of-the-art intercultural research shares these methods. It is dead cat interculturalism. And if the same operations are replicated on diverse cats the same principle still applies, irrespective of the assumed validation of the research by its replication. It cannot guide living cultural phenomena to their solution. Frozen, fragmentary and deficitary residues of real life in its interconnected internal-external relatedness are not representative of life, cultural or other.
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