Moon 4 Corners 4/e
Including Navajo and Hopi Country, Moab, and Lake Powell
Buch (Taschenbuch, Englisch)
Fr. 7.40
inkl. gesetzl. MwSt.-
Kostenlose Lieferung ab Fr. 30 Einkaufswert Mehr erfahren
Schweiz & Liechtenstein:
Versandkostenfrei ab Fr. 30.00
Versandkosten bis Fr. 30.00: Fr. 3.50Andere Lieferländer
Fr. 18.00 unabhängig vom Warenwert
Avalon Travel PublSeitenzahl
Maße (L/B/H)
19/13.9/1.7 cm
Arizona resident Kathleen Bryant shares her knowledge of the Four Corners region, from the alien rock formations of Arches National Park to the lightning-swept mesas of Canyonlands. Bryant offers her expert advice on how to make the most of the area's many amazing sights, historical landmarks, and outdoor activities, as well as one-of-a-kind trip strategies--including Soak Up the Scenery and Historic Treasures--for travelers of all interests and budgets. With tips for mountain biking on Slickrock Trail near Moab, driving through breathtaking Monument Valley, and rafting down the Colorado River, "Moon Four Corners" gives travelers the tools they need to create a more personal and memorable experience.
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