Comprehensive Treatment of Schizophrenia
Band 8

Comprehensive Treatment of Schizophrenia

Linking Neurobehavioral Findings to Pschycosocial Approaches

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Comprehensive Treatment of Schizophrenia

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H. Kashima + weitere


Springer Tokyo






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Springer Tokyo



Maße (L/B/H)

24.3/16/2.3 cm


780 g


2002 edition





Weitere Bände von Keio University International Symposia for Life Sciences and Medicine

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  • Comprehensive Treatment of Schizophrenia
  • 1 Neurobehavioral Characteristics.- Keynote Lecture: Life-Oriented Approach to Treatment and Simple Functional Tests for Clinical Practice.- Efficacy of Semantic Cues in Schizophrenic Patients and Patients with Frontal Lesions from the Standpoint of Neuropsychological Rehabilitation.- Neuropsychological Investigation of the Effects of Psychiatric Rehabilitation Strategies for Schizophrenia.- Coping with Interpersonal Stressors in Schizophrenia.- 2 Social Cognition.- Social Cognitive Problem-Solving Skills in Schizophrenia.- Social Cognition in Schizophrenia.- Emotion Perception and Social Functioning in Schizophrenia.- Social Skills Training for Schizophrenia: Research Update and Empirical Results.- 3 Expressed Emotion and Psychoeducation.- Keynote Lecture: Relatives’ Expressed Emotion: From Measurement Technique to Practical Help for Families.- Expressed Emotion Studies in Japan.- Family Psychoeducation with Schizophrenic Patients and Their Families from the Viewpoint of Empowerment.- 4 Insight.- The Psychopathological Foundation of Insight in Schizophrenia.- Insight: Theory and Practice.- 5 Pharmacotherapy.- Factors Affecting Drug Compliance Among Patients in Japan with Schizophrenia.- Long-Term Olanzapine Treatment in Schizophrenic Outpatients: Its Effects on Their Quality of Life and Clinical Outcome.- Keynote Lecture: The Integration of Innovative Biomedical and Psychosocial Strategies into Clinical Practice.- 6 Consumer Collaboration.- What Can the Family Do as a Consumer Collaborator?.- Consumers, Carers, and Clinicians in Collaboration: What Does This Mean?.- 7 Putting Effective Settings into Practice.- Ensuring Quality and Continuity of Care for Psychiatric Patients Making the Transition from Hospital to Community Care in Japan.- Training Long-Term Schizophrenic Inpatients in Illness Self-Management: A Randomized Controlled Trial.- Need for an Integrated Program of Case Management and Psychoeducation for Long-Stay Psychiatric Patients in Japan.- Vocational Rehabilitation for Persons with Schizophrenia: Recent Advances in Japan.- Innovative Practice in Psychiatric Community Care in Sawa Hospital and Japan.- Optimal Utilization of Resources.- Applying Effective Treatment Strategies in Day Hospitals: A Nursing Perspective.- Interpersonal Caring Techniques: Concepts and Quasi-Experimental Research.- Implementing Community-Based Psychiatry in an Urban District of Tokyo: Report on Minato Net 21.- Keynote Lecture: Cognitive Remediation in Schizophrenia.- 8 Innovations in Practice.- Cognitive, Social, and Psychopathological Factors in the Comprehensive Treatment of Schizophrenia.- Family Interventions in Schizophrenia in Italian Mental Health Services.- Early Intervention for Schizophrenic Disorders: Implementing Optimal Treatment Strategies in Clinical Services.- From Randomized Controlled Trials to Evidence-Based Clinical Care for Severe Mental Illness.- Early Psychosis Intervention in Routine Service Environments: Implications for Case Management and Service Evaluation.- 9 Cognitive Remediation.- Problem-Solving Skills and Sending Skills in Schizophrenia.- Cognitive Impairment, Symptoms, Social Functioning, and Vocational Rehabilitation in Schizophrenia.- Understanding the Outcome Findings of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Psychosis: A Cognitive Model and Its Clinical Implications.- A New Cognitive Therapy for Auditory Hallucinations and Delusions: Development of a Guide for Psychotic Patients and Their Family Members.- Treating Anxiety Disorders in Schizophrenia: How to Tailor Optimal Treatment in Clinical Practice.- Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment of Schizophrenia.