Every Day

Every Day

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Every Day

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ab 12 Jahr(e)




Random House LLC US



School Library Journal Best of Children's Books 2012

Kirkus Reviews Best of Teen's Books 2012

Booklist Best of Children's Books 2012

"Fresh, unique, funny, and achingly honest, Levithan brilliantly explores the adolescent conundrum of not feeling like oneself, and not knowing where one belongs. I didn't just read this book I inhaled it."  Jodi Picoult, NYT bestselling author of Lone Wolf and Between the Lines

Entertainment Weekly, August 22, 2012:

"Rich in wisdom and wit...Levithan keeps the pages turning not only with ingenious twists on his central conceit but with A's hard-earned pieces of wisdom about identity, isolation, and love. Every Day has the power to teach a bully empathy by answering an essential question: What's it like to be you and not me even if it's just for one day?"

New York Times Book Review , August 26, 2012:
"It demonstrates Levithan's talent for empathy, which is paired in the best parts of the book with a persuasive optimism about the odds for happiness and for true love."

Los Angeles Times , September 2, 2012:
"It's the rare book that challenges gender presumptions in a way that's as entertaining as it is unexpected and, perhaps most important, that's relatable to teens who may not think they need sensitivity training when it comes to sexual orientation and the nature of true love. Every Day' is precisely such a book...A story that is always alluring, oftentimes humorous and much like love itself splendorous."

MTV Hollywood Crush , September 28, 2012:
"Thoughtful and fascinating...A study in the most real and human of concerns: the importance of empathy, the value of friends and family, and the beauty of permanence that we have the luxury of taking for granted."

Boston Globe, September 15, 2012:
"Ambitious and provocative...we re not ready to let A go."

OUT Magazine , December 2012:
"One of the most inventive young adult novels of the year."

Romantic Times , October 2012:
"Levithan is a literary genius. His style of writing is brilliant practically flawless... Reading A s journey to make love last, in a world that is always changing, is an experience I hope everyone gets to share."

Starred Review, School Library Journal, September 2012:
"Every step of the narrative feels real and will elicit a strong emotional response from readers and offer them plenty of fodder for speculation, especially regarding the nature of love.

Starred Review, Booklist, July 1, 2012:
Levithan has created an irresistible premise that is sure to captivate readers .
[Every Day] is a study in style, an exercise in imagination, and an opportunity for readers themselves to occupy another life: that of A, himself.

Starred Review, Kirkus Reviews, May 15, 2012:
An awe-inspiring, thought-provoking reminder that love reaches beyond physical appearances or gender.

Starred Review, Shelf Awareness, September 7, 2012:
"Levithan's unusual love story will make teens think about how the core of the soul never changes. A speaks of faith, love, dreams and death with a wisdom derived from thousands of lives visited over 16 years and firsthand proof of how much humans share rather than what sets them apart."

The Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books, September 2012:
"This unconventional romance considers some fascinating and unexpected questions about the nature of identity, consciousness, love, and gender...Readers will identify with A s profound longing for connection, but they ll also be intrigued by the butterfly effect A s presence may have on numerous other teens who make brief but memorable appearances."

The Horn Book , November 2012:
"Brilliantly conceived...[Levithan] shapes the narrative into a profound exploration of what it means to love someone."

Letter Blocks , the BN Parents & Educators blog, August 23, 2012:
"A definite crowd-pleaser."

The L Magazine , August 29, 2012:
"The premise allows for stimulating parallels: A s experience is both like the writer s, who inhabits the consciousnesses of random characters, and the adolescent s, who tries on myriad identities."







ab 12 Jahr(e)




Random House LLC US



Maße (L/B/H)

21.1/13.9/2.7 cm


323 g





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Mega Geil

Bewertung am 31.03.2022

Bewertungsnummer: 1686473

Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)

Wir müssen das Buch in Englisch lesen, ich habe es zwar nichtmals bestellt und Vorfahrt auch nd gelesen ist aber von daher, dass wir das in englisch lesen müssen wird das Safe Mega geil. 5/5

Mega Geil

Bewertung am 31.03.2022
Bewertungsnummer: 1686473
Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)

Wir müssen das Buch in Englisch lesen, ich habe es zwar nichtmals bestellt und Vorfahrt auch nd gelesen ist aber von daher, dass wir das in englisch lesen müssen wird das Safe Mega geil. 5/5

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Every Day

von David Levithan


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