The Structuring Role of Submerged Macrophytes in Lakes
Band 131

The Structuring Role of Submerged Macrophytes in Lakes

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Fr. 239.00

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The Structuring Role of Submerged Macrophytes in Lakes

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Erik Jeppesen + weitere


Springer Us





The Structuring Role of Submerged Macrophytes in Lakes focuses on the remarkably diverse roles played by underwater plants. The book is divided into three parts: 10 thematic chapters, followed by 18 case studies, concluded by three integrative chapters. The topics range from macrophytes as fish food to macrophytes as mollusk and microbe habitat. The consistent theme is the structuring role of plants in lakes. The book will be of interest to aquatic ecologists as well as limnologists, ecosystem ecologists, microbial ecologists, fish biologists, and environmental managers with responsibilities that include lakes.








Springer Us



Maße (L/B/H)

23.5/15.5/2.5 cm


680 g







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  • The Structuring Role of Submerged Macrophytes in Lakes
  • Section 1. General Themes.- 1. Fish-Habitat Interactions Mediated via Ontogenetic Niche Shifts.- 2. Influence of Submerged Macrophytes on Trophic Interactions Among Fish and Macroinvertebrates.- 3. Complex Fish-Snail-Epiphyton Interactions and Their Effects on Submerged Freshwater Macrophytes.- 4. Interactions Between Periphy ton, Nonmolluscan Invertebrates, and Fish in Standing Freshwaters.- 5. Impact of Submerged Macrophytes on Fish-Zooplankton Interactions in Lakes.- 6. Impact of Submerged Macrophytes on Phytoplankton in Shallow Freshwater Lakes.- 7. Role of Submerged Macrophytes for the Microbial Community and Dynamics of Dissolved Organic Carbon in Aquatic Ecosystems.- 8. Impact of Herbivory on Plant Standing Crop: Comparisons Among Biomes, Between Vascular and Nonvascular Plants, and Among Freshwater Herbivore Taxa.- 9. Interactions Between Grazing Birds and Macrophytes.- 10. Effects of Submerged Aquatic Macrophytes on Nutrient Dynamics, Sedimentation, and Resuspension.- Section 2. Case Studies.- 11. Macrophyte Structure and Growth of Bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus): Design of a Multilake Experiment.- 12. Vertical Distribution of In-Benthos in Relation to Fish and Floating-Leaved Macrophyte Populations.- 13. Horizontal Migration of Zooplankton: Predator-Mediated Use of Macrophyte Habitat.- 14. Changing Perspectives on Food Web Interactions in Lake Littoral Zones.- 15. Bacterioplankton and Carbon Turnover in a Dense Macrophyte Canopy.- 16. Cascading Effects on Microbial Food Web Structure in a Dense Macrophyte Bed.- 17. Abundance, Size, and Growth of Heterotrophic Nanoflagellates in Eutrophic Lakes with Contrasting Daphnia and Macrophyte Densities.- 18. What Do Herbivore Exclusion Experiments Tell Us? An Investigation Using Black Swans (Cygnus atratus) and Filamentous Algae in a Shallow Lake.- 19. Switches Between Clear and Turbid Water States in a Biomanipulated Lake (1986-1996): The Role of Herbivory on Macrophytes.- 20. Macrophyte-Waterfowl Interactions: Tracking a Variable Resource and the Impact of Herbivory on Plant Growth.- 21. Influence of Macrophyte Structure, Nutritive Value, and Chemistry on the Feeding Choices of a Generalist Crayfish.- 22. Concordance of Phosphorus Limitation in Lakes: Bacterioplankton, Phytoplankton, Epiphyte-Snail Consumers, and Rooted Macrophytes.- 23. Sources of Organic Carbon in the Food Webs of Two Florida Lakes Indicated by Stable Isotopes.- 24. Importance of Physical Structures in Lakes: The Case of Lake Kinneret and General Implications.- 25. Clear Water Associated with a Dense Chara Vegetation in the Shallow and Turbid Lake Veluwemeer, The Netherlands.- 26. Alternative Stable States in Shallow Lakes: What Causes a Shift?.- 27. Clear and Turbid Water in Shallow Norwegian Lakes Related to Submerged Vegetation.- 28. Macrophytes and Turbidity in Brackish Lakes with Special emphasis on the Role of Top-Down Control.- Section 3. Interdisciplinary Discussions.- 29. Structuring Role of Macrophytes in Lakes: Changing Influence Along Lake Size and Depth Gradients.- 30. Nutrient-Loading Gradient in Shallow Lakes: Report of the Group Discussion.- 31. Alternative Stable States.