Integral Methods in Science and Engineering

Integral Methods in Science and Engineering

Fr. 127.00

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Integral Methods in Science and Engineering

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P. Schiavone + weitere


Birkhäuser Boston





"The present book…focuses on the solution of mathematical models from various physical domains, using integral methods in conjunction with approximation schemes. Actually, its aim is to show…research work in which integration, in one form or another, is the main investigative tool.

A lot of problems are solved in areas such as solid mechanics, fluid dynamics, thermoelasticity, plates and shells, liquid crystals, diffusion and diffraction theory, Hamiltonian systems, resonance, nonlinear waves, plasma, flight dynamics and structural networks.… Generally, this book provides new results in the study of various physical and mechanical models and offers illustrations of efficient methods with numerical results and analytical methods. It can be useful to researchers and practitioners in applied mathematics, mechanical engineering and theoretical physicists, interested in current research in ordinary and partial differential equations, integral equations and numerical analysis."

—Memoriile Sectiilor Stiintifice


"The present book...focuses on the solution of mathematical models from various physical domains, using integral methods in conjunction with approximation schemes. Actually, its aim is to show...research work in which integration, in one form or another, is the main investigative tool. A lot of problems are solved in areas such as solid mechanics, fluid dynamics, thermoelasticity, plates and shells, liquid crystals, diffusion and diffraction theory, Hamiltonian systems, resonance, nonlinear waves, plasma, flight dynamics and structural networks.... Generally, this book provides new results in the study of various physical and mechanical models and offers illustrations of efficient methods with numerical results and analytical methods. It can be useful to researchers and practitioners in applied mathematics, mechanical engineering and theoretical physicists, interested in current research in ordinary and partial differential equations, integral equations and numerical analysis." -Memoriile Sectiilor Stiintifice








Birkhäuser Boston



Maße (L/B/H)

23.5/15.5/1.6 cm


447 g


Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 2002





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  • Integral Methods in Science and Engineering
  • Content.- 1 Use of Elastodynamic Reciprocity Theorems for Field Calculations.- 2 Linear Solvers for the Galerkin Boundary Element Method.- 3 Reciprocity of Hopf ’s and Feautrier’s Operators in Radiation Transport Theory.- 4 Spectral Approximation of Weakly Singular Integrable Kernels Using Projections.- 5 Effect of Imperfect Interface on Thermal Inclusion with an Interior Radial Crack.- 6 An Integrodifferential Equation of Atomic Diffusion.- 7 Nonradiating Dislocations in Uniform Supersonic Motion in Anisotropic Linear Elastic Solids.- 8 On the Use of the Conjugate Gradient Method for the Numerical Solution of First-Kind Integral Equations in Two Variables.- 9 On the Stopping Criteria for Conjugate Gradient Solutions of First-Kind Integral Equations in Two Variables.- 10 An Initial-Boundary Value Problem for Thermoelastic Plates.- 11 A Global Existence Result for Functional Differential Equations with Causal Operators.- 12 Direct Stiffness-Modification Route to Linear Consistency Between Incompatible Finite Element Meshes.- 13 Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of a Curved Beam Structure Using a Finite Element Method.- 14 Seminal Ideas in Integral Methods.- 15 Mixed Boundary Value Problem with Two Displacement Boundaries for Thin Plate Bending.- 16 Use of Cross-Referencing for Solving the Parameter Choice Problem in Generalized CLS.- 17 Numerical Technique for Solving an Ordinary Differential Equation by Picard’s Method.- 18 On a Class of Boundary Conditions Splitting Coupled Thermoelasticity Problems.- 19 Recent Mathematical Developments for Functionally Graded Linearly Elastic Materials.- 20 Ground Vibration Dynamics During Pile Hammering.- 21 Connection Between Liquid Crystal Theory and Plate Theory.- 22 Product Integration Quadratures for the Radiative TransferProblem with Hopf’s Kernel.- 23 A Numerical Scheme for Determining Diffraction Coefficients in Anisotropic Materials.- 24 Effect of Imperfect Inclusion/Matrix Interaction Between a Circular Inclusion and a Radial Matrix Crack.- 25 Neutral Equations with Causal Operators.- 26 Computation of Free-Surface Flows Under the Influence of Pressure Distribution.- 27 Solution of Eigenvalue Problems for Rectangular Plates by Differential Transformation.- 28 Free Vibrations of Structural Hyperbolic Paraboloid Networks.- 29 Sharp Invertibility Results for Layer Potentials in 2D.- 30 An Enhanced Theory of Bending of Plates.- 31 Comparison of Zonal, Spectral Solutions for Compressible Boundary Layer and Navier—Stokes Equations.- 32 Hybrid Laplace and Poisson Solvers I: Dirichlet Boundary Conditions.- 33 Estimation of Boundary Conditions from Different Experimental Data Using the LTSNMethod and Tikhonov Regularization.- 34 Analytical-Numerical Treatment of the One-Phase Stefan Problem with Constant Applied Heat Flux.- 35 Integral Equations Arising in Boundary Value Problems at Resonance.- 36 Thermal Stress Analysis of an Elliptic Inclusion with Imperfect Interface Embedded in an Infinite Elastic Medium.- 37 Three-Dimensional Elasticity Solutions for Anisotropic and Inhomogeneous Plates and Shells.- 38 A Circular Inclusion with Homogeneous Interface.- 39 Multiwavelets for Geometrically Complicated Domains and Their Application to Boundary Element Methods.- 40 Mathematical Investigation of Contact Problems with Friction in Fracture Dynamics.