Liquid Metal Magnetohydrodynamics
Band 10

Liquid Metal Magnetohydrodynamics

Buch (Taschenbuch, Englisch)

Fr. 137.00

inkl. gesetzl. MwSt.

Liquid Metal Magnetohydrodynamics

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ab Fr. 137.00


ab Fr. 125.90








J.J. Lielpeteris + weitere


Springer Netherland











Springer Netherland



Maße (L/B/H)

23.5/15.5/2.8 cm


756 g


Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1989





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  • Liquid Metal Magnetohydrodynamics
  • Session A : Large Interaction Parameter.- Liquid metal in a strong magnetic field (General Lecture).- Numerical solutions of three-dimensional MHD flows in strong non-uniform transverse magnetic fields.- MHD-flows at high Rm, N and Ha.- MHD pressure drop of liquid metal flow in circular and rectangular ducts under transverse magnetic field.- Linear approximation application limits in MHD-flow theory for strong magnetic fields. Experimental results.- Session B : Fusion Related Flows.- Application of the core flow approach to MHD fluid flow in geometric elements of a fusion reactor blanket.- Experimental and theoretical work on MHD at the kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe. The MEKKA-program.- Liquid metal turbulent flow phenomena and their implications on fusion reactor blanket design.- Experimental investigation of 3-D MHD flows at high Hartmann number and interaction parameter.- Magnetohydrodynamics in nuclear energetics (General lecture).- Poster Session 1 : DC Fields.- Liquid metal flows with polydispersed solid and gaseous inclusions.- Dispersion of small particles in MHD flows.- Two-phase flows studies in mercury-air liquid metal MHD generators.- Liquid metal MHD generators in two-phase flow systems.- Modelling of magnetohydrodynamic two-phase flow in pipe.- Melt magnetohydrodynamics of single crystal growth.- The effect of electromagnetic field on semiconductor single crystal growth and characteristics.- Gas bubbles motion during vacuum treatment of liquid aluminium in MDV-type devices.- MHD turbulence decay behind spatial grids.- The effect of a uniform magnetic field on stability, transition and turbulence as a control means for liquid metal flow mixing.- Session C : Current Carrying Melts.- Electrically induced vortical flows (General lecture).- Liquid metal flow near magnetic neutral points.- Modelling of electrically induced flows for studying current carrying melts of electrometallurgical devices.- Session D : Aluminium Reduction Cells.- Amplitude evolution of interfacial waves in aluminium reduction cells.- Physical and mathematical modeling of MHD-processes in aluminium reduction cells.- On the analysis by perturbation methods of the anodic current fluctuations in an electrolytic cell for aluminium production.- Session E : AC Stirring.- Fluid flows induced by alternating magnetic (General lecture).- Fluid metal flow study in an induction furnace based on numerical simulation.- A high frequency induction furnace for oxide melting.- Directional melt-flow in channel induction furnaces.- Characteristic properties of MHD flow in magnetodynamic pumps.- Session F : Electromagnetic Shaping.- Deflection of a stream of liquid metal by means of an alternating magnetic field.- The shape of liquid metal jets under a uniform transverse magnetic field.- Electromagnetic control of liquid metal free surfaces.- Deformation of an electrically conducting drop in a magnetic field.- Controlled decomposition of liquid metal jets and films in technological and power devices.- Poster Session 2 : AC Fields.- More accurate skin-depth approximation.- Overall and local thickness measurement of layers with differing electrical properties.- Determination of MHD machine parameters using the 1D model of a non-uniform flow.- Experimental and theoretical studies on the stability of induction pumps at large Rm numbers.- 3500 m3/h MHD pump for fast breeder reactor.- Self-excitation of liquid metal MHD generators.- Comprehensive study on the MHD phenomena in the metal pool with the single-phase induction coil.- Grain refinement in continously cast ingots of light metals by electromagnetic casting.- Liquid metal flow control using AC fields.- Session G : Measurements.- Diagnostics of liquid metal flows using fibre-optic velocity sensor.- On local measurements of the up and downstream magnetic wake of a cylinder at low magnetic Reynolds number.- Metallurgical aspects of electromagnetic processing of materials (General lecture).- Session H : Dynamo Theory.- Liquid metal MHD and the geodynamo (General lecture).- The helical MHD dynamo.- The Ponomarenko dynamo.- MHD phenomena in fast neutron reactors with a liquid metal heat carrier.- Session I : Turbulence.- The effect of initial and boundary conditions upon the formation and development of MHD turbulence structure.- Two-dimensional MHD turbulence.- MHD instabilities and turbulence in liquid metal shear flows.- Session J : Stability with Uniform Field.- Dispersion and chaos in linear arrays of vortices.- Stability of magnetohydrodynamic flow over a stretching sheet.- Stability of closed azimuthal jet of liquid metal.