• Harry Potter 6 and the Half-Blood Prince
  • Harry Potter 6 and the Half-Blood Prince
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Harry Potter 6 and the Half-Blood Prince

Winner of the British Book Award, Book of the Year 2006 and the Deutscher Phantastik-Preis 2006, Kategorie internationaler Roman

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9 - 11 Jahr(e)




Bloomsbury Academic



I've yet to meet a ten-year-old who hasn't been entranced by its witty, complex plot and the character of the eponymous Independent







9 - 11 Jahr(e)




Bloomsbury Academic



Maße (L/B/H)

21.7/14.4/3.7 cm


440 g





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5 Bewertungen

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Lily am 17.06.2022

Bewertungsnummer: 1731748

Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)

This, by so far, is my absolute favourite out of all the Harry Potter books (and all the books I've ever read in my entire life)! Not only did Professor Slughorn become one of my most favourite teachers but we got to know much much more about my all time favourite character: Tom Riddle. His background at the orphanage, his time at Hogwarts, his plans and doings outside school, how and why he became the person he is now - Voldemort - his parents and ancestry (by far the most interesting arc! How could the films leave this out is a "riddle" to me), his visit of Hepzibah Smith and how he was able to charm her for his own gain and the time he visited Dumbledore after his graduation to ask for the DADA job... These memories alone are a pure masterpiece but there is much much more to mention why this book is absolutely brilliant in every single way possible. The first two chapters with Cornelius Fudge visiting the Muggle minister and then the one with Bellatrix and Narcissa visiting Snape at Spinner's End, without Harry's perspective. The ending was also nothing like the previous books, it left the reader in uncertainty and there was no "happy ending" this time. It was a drastic change to the previous Harry Potter books and once again J.K. Rowling left me speechless and amazed once again. Brilliant author, brilliant story, best book I've ever read in my life!


Lily am 17.06.2022
Bewertungsnummer: 1731748
Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)

This, by so far, is my absolute favourite out of all the Harry Potter books (and all the books I've ever read in my entire life)! Not only did Professor Slughorn become one of my most favourite teachers but we got to know much much more about my all time favourite character: Tom Riddle. His background at the orphanage, his time at Hogwarts, his plans and doings outside school, how and why he became the person he is now - Voldemort - his parents and ancestry (by far the most interesting arc! How could the films leave this out is a "riddle" to me), his visit of Hepzibah Smith and how he was able to charm her for his own gain and the time he visited Dumbledore after his graduation to ask for the DADA job... These memories alone are a pure masterpiece but there is much much more to mention why this book is absolutely brilliant in every single way possible. The first two chapters with Cornelius Fudge visiting the Muggle minister and then the one with Bellatrix and Narcissa visiting Snape at Spinner's End, without Harry's perspective. The ending was also nothing like the previous books, it left the reader in uncertainty and there was no "happy ending" this time. It was a drastic change to the previous Harry Potter books and once again J.K. Rowling left me speechless and amazed once again. Brilliant author, brilliant story, best book I've ever read in my life!

Spannend bis zum letzten Wort

Bewertung aus Nauheim am 14.12.2021

Bewertungsnummer: 1623026

Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)

Ich habe nach vielen Jahren die Bücher alle noch mal gelesen, dieses jedoch zum ersten Mal. Es war so spannend bis zum Schluss, fantastisch.

Spannend bis zum letzten Wort

Bewertung aus Nauheim am 14.12.2021
Bewertungsnummer: 1623026
Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)

Ich habe nach vielen Jahren die Bücher alle noch mal gelesen, dieses jedoch zum ersten Mal. Es war so spannend bis zum Schluss, fantastisch.

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Harry Potter 6 and the Half-Blood Prince

von J. K. Rowling


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  • Harry Potter 6 and the Half-Blood Prince