Managing Performing Living
Effective Management for a New World
Buch (Taschenbuch)
Fr. 44.90
inkl. gesetzl. MwSt.Beschreibung
Maße (L/B/H)
22.8/15.1/2.7 cm
639 g
Managing Performing Living is a classic in the field of management. Fredmund Malik reveals everything that all executives and experts in leading positions need to know, anytime and anywhere. He provides readers with the universal principles, tasks and tools of effective management and self-management.
His book ranks among the 100 best business books of all times. The new, completely revised and updated edition is tailored to a new generation of managers, to whom effectiveness is the key to success. It shows the way to turn knowledge, personal strengths, talent, creativity and innovative thinking into results. Managing Performing Living helps readers to cope with the "Great Transformation21", as Malik calls the ongoing centennial change in business and society. It is a book on how to create functioning organizations in a viable society.
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