The Awakening & The Struggle
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The Awakening & The Struggle Volume 1 Books 1 & 2

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12 - 15 Jahr(e)







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12 - 15 Jahr(e)




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Definitely not the same thing as the TV show

Bewertung am 24.06.2024

Bewertungsnummer: 2230060

Bewertet: eBook (ePUB)

„Vampire Diaries - The Awakening & The Struggle“ combines the first two books of the Vampire Diaries Series in one book. Therefore I will write my review for both of them together. When she mets the new guy for the first time she immediately knows that she wants him. Stefan is good looking and he has a mysterious aura that draws Elena to him. But he carries a dark secret that will change her life forever. Then she mets his brother who is just as good looking and even more dangerous. And Damon wants nothing more than to take the girl away from his brother. Will Elena be able to make a decision or will Damon not give her a chance to do so? I’ve loved watching the Vampire Diaries TV Show and therefore I just had to read the books as well. To be honest I was a bit disappointed. Maybe it would have been better if I read the books first but it’s too late for that now. There are so many differences between the two that I am not really sure that it’s still somewhat the same thing anyway. In this book I just hate Elena. She is so self centered that it hurts to read. I mean she’s not always nice in the show but here she is absolutely horrible. I don’t get what Stefan sees in her and I honestly can’t feel any attraction between the two of them. It’s just a bit too fast to seem realistic to me. While the first book didn’t really have any kind of story besides the love part it did get a lot better in the second book. Compared to the TV show it’s darker but I quite enjoyed the scary parts of it. It made me curious how things between Stefan, Elena and Damon will develop. I would probably rate the first book 2 stars and the second book 4 stars. Overall it’s a lot different than the TV show but towards the second book it got quite interesting. Therefore I would rate the two books an average of 3 Stars and am curious to know what will happen in the next part.

Definitely not the same thing as the TV show

Bewertung am 24.06.2024
Bewertungsnummer: 2230060
Bewertet: eBook (ePUB)

„Vampire Diaries - The Awakening & The Struggle“ combines the first two books of the Vampire Diaries Series in one book. Therefore I will write my review for both of them together. When she mets the new guy for the first time she immediately knows that she wants him. Stefan is good looking and he has a mysterious aura that draws Elena to him. But he carries a dark secret that will change her life forever. Then she mets his brother who is just as good looking and even more dangerous. And Damon wants nothing more than to take the girl away from his brother. Will Elena be able to make a decision or will Damon not give her a chance to do so? I’ve loved watching the Vampire Diaries TV Show and therefore I just had to read the books as well. To be honest I was a bit disappointed. Maybe it would have been better if I read the books first but it’s too late for that now. There are so many differences between the two that I am not really sure that it’s still somewhat the same thing anyway. In this book I just hate Elena. She is so self centered that it hurts to read. I mean she’s not always nice in the show but here she is absolutely horrible. I don’t get what Stefan sees in her and I honestly can’t feel any attraction between the two of them. It’s just a bit too fast to seem realistic to me. While the first book didn’t really have any kind of story besides the love part it did get a lot better in the second book. Compared to the TV show it’s darker but I quite enjoyed the scary parts of it. It made me curious how things between Stefan, Elena and Damon will develop. I would probably rate the first book 2 stars and the second book 4 stars. Overall it’s a lot different than the TV show but towards the second book it got quite interesting. Therefore I would rate the two books an average of 3 Stars and am curious to know what will happen in the next part.

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The Awakening & The Struggle

von L. J. Smith


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