Careless in Red
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Careless in Red An Inspector Lynley Novel: 15

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Hodder & Stoughton


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Weitere Bände von Inspector Lynley

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2 Bewertungen

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Blood is thicker than water.

Bewertung (Mitglied der Book Circle Community) am 25.10.2023

Bewertungsnummer: 2052508

Bewertet: Buch (Gebundene Ausgabe)

Inspector Linley suffers from losing his wife, who was recently shot in front of their house. This event has derailed Linley completely, and it doesn’t seem as would he ever find his place in life again. To free himself from his memories, he takes up a journey along the coast of Cornwall, entirely on his own alone with his thoughts. He doesn’t care where he sleeps nor when he eats, Linley keeps on walking until he stumbles over a body and that’s where this story begins. Linley isn’t sure if he really wants to be involved in this investigation, but he can’t leave either as he is seen as a suspect. Maybe this case is precisely what he needs to move on and eventually back to Scotland Yard. After reading all the novels with Inspector Linley so far, I was eager to find out how his life after his wife died would develop. And if he would consider returning to New Scotland Yard or if he chooses to follow his journey. At first, I had problems getting into the story, due to the abundance of characters. It was difficult for me to distinguish between all of those and the role they played in the case. But with time I overcame that struggle, I only needed to keep on reading and see how the plot advanced. The main story as also the occurrences on the side are well interlaced, in the end, they lead all to a conclusion. The only thing that bothers me after completing the book, is that, not quite a satisfying end. I would have wished for a more concluded finish. Another exciting novel in the series is written in an appealing style that the author is known for.

Blood is thicker than water.

Bewertung (Mitglied der Book Circle Community) am 25.10.2023
Bewertungsnummer: 2052508
Bewertet: Buch (Gebundene Ausgabe)

Inspector Linley suffers from losing his wife, who was recently shot in front of their house. This event has derailed Linley completely, and it doesn’t seem as would he ever find his place in life again. To free himself from his memories, he takes up a journey along the coast of Cornwall, entirely on his own alone with his thoughts. He doesn’t care where he sleeps nor when he eats, Linley keeps on walking until he stumbles over a body and that’s where this story begins. Linley isn’t sure if he really wants to be involved in this investigation, but he can’t leave either as he is seen as a suspect. Maybe this case is precisely what he needs to move on and eventually back to Scotland Yard. After reading all the novels with Inspector Linley so far, I was eager to find out how his life after his wife died would develop. And if he would consider returning to New Scotland Yard or if he chooses to follow his journey. At first, I had problems getting into the story, due to the abundance of characters. It was difficult for me to distinguish between all of those and the role they played in the case. But with time I overcame that struggle, I only needed to keep on reading and see how the plot advanced. The main story as also the occurrences on the side are well interlaced, in the end, they lead all to a conclusion. The only thing that bothers me after completing the book, is that, not quite a satisfying end. I would have wished for a more concluded finish. Another exciting novel in the series is written in an appealing style that the author is known for.

Careless in red

Bewertung aus Bern am 16.05.2020

Bewertungsnummer: 1328903

Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)

Erneut spannend, ich konnte kaum aufhören mit Lesen! Ein ideales Buch für diese unübliche Zeit.

Careless in red

Bewertung aus Bern am 16.05.2020
Bewertungsnummer: 1328903
Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)

Erneut spannend, ich konnte kaum aufhören mit Lesen! Ein ideales Buch für diese unübliche Zeit.

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Careless in Red

von Elizabeth George


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  • Careless in Red