The Most Dangerous Animal of All

The Most Dangerous Animal of All

The Most Dangerous Animal of All

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Deciphering an animal.

Bewertung (Mitglied der Book Circle Community) am 25.10.2023

Bewertungsnummer: 2052483

Bewertet: Buch (Gebundene Ausgabe)

Searching for his father and finding the truth he would have instead left undiscovered. What his search reveals will change him and his family forever. The findings are too horrible to comprehend but they also give Gary L. Stewart the long-sought peace. It’s a chapter he can finally close after so many years of not knowing who he really is. I knew the Zodiac Killer by his name. I wasn’t aware of his crimes and what had triggered them. Therefore, I was shocked even more by how he had committed all those killings and the why. How cruel must a man be to act like that? I understood why the author wanted to find out more about his father. I maybe would have acted the same, but I don’t know if I would have had the same endurance. I was impressed by his strength and will to follow every lead, even if they led to dead ends. It’s a very heartbreaking story, compassionately told by the Zodiac killer’s son. The author also mentions other criminal occurrences that happened around that time, although they were unlinked with the Zodiac murders. I’m glad the author could in the end make peace with his father and accept the fateful decision his father made so many years ago. A decision that offered him life but followed Gary to the present. I’m an avid true crime reader, I especially like the ones which are told from another perspective than the suspects. This, in my opinion, paints a much more complex picture. This is one more for my true crime collection.

Deciphering an animal.

Bewertung (Mitglied der Book Circle Community) am 25.10.2023
Bewertungsnummer: 2052483
Bewertet: Buch (Gebundene Ausgabe)

Searching for his father and finding the truth he would have instead left undiscovered. What his search reveals will change him and his family forever. The findings are too horrible to comprehend but they also give Gary L. Stewart the long-sought peace. It’s a chapter he can finally close after so many years of not knowing who he really is. I knew the Zodiac Killer by his name. I wasn’t aware of his crimes and what had triggered them. Therefore, I was shocked even more by how he had committed all those killings and the why. How cruel must a man be to act like that? I understood why the author wanted to find out more about his father. I maybe would have acted the same, but I don’t know if I would have had the same endurance. I was impressed by his strength and will to follow every lead, even if they led to dead ends. It’s a very heartbreaking story, compassionately told by the Zodiac killer’s son. The author also mentions other criminal occurrences that happened around that time, although they were unlinked with the Zodiac murders. I’m glad the author could in the end make peace with his father and accept the fateful decision his father made so many years ago. A decision that offered him life but followed Gary to the present. I’m an avid true crime reader, I especially like the ones which are told from another perspective than the suspects. This, in my opinion, paints a much more complex picture. This is one more for my true crime collection.

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Most Dangerous Animal Of All

von Gary L. Stewart, Susan Mustafa


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