The City of Brass
Band 1

The City of Brass The Deavabad Trilogy

Aus der Reihe
Gebundenes Buch

Gebundenes Buch

Fr. 36.90

The City of Brass

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Gebundenes Buch

Gebundenes Buch

ab Fr. 36.90


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Fr. 36.90

inkl. MwSt, Versandkostenfrei




Gebundene Ausgabe




Harper Collins (US)



Maße (L/B/H)

23.6/15.6/4 cm


699 g








Gebundene Ausgabe




Harper Collins (US)



Maße (L/B/H)

23.6/15.6/4 cm


699 g





Weitere Bände von The Daevabad Trilogy

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4 Bewertungen

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Bewertung am 17.07.2023

Bewertungsnummer: 1982086

Bewertet: Buch (Gebundene Ausgabe)

Djinns, healers and warriors all in the beautiful setting of Deavabad that reminds me of Agrabah. With a dual POV and some time jumps here and there it never feels too much and the world building is never too big or too complicated. Beautiful aesthetics and stubborn characters.

Bewertung am 17.07.2023
Bewertungsnummer: 1982086
Bewertet: Buch (Gebundene Ausgabe)

Djinns, healers and warriors all in the beautiful setting of Deavabad that reminds me of Agrabah. With a dual POV and some time jumps here and there it never feels too much and the world building is never too big or too complicated. Beautiful aesthetics and stubborn characters.


Mary am 07.02.2022

Bewertungsnummer: 1652359

Bewertet: Buch (Gebundene Ausgabe)

ich bin echt froh, dass ich mir dieses buch gekauft habe, es gehört definitiv zu den besten fantasy reihen, die ich je gelesen habe. die Geschichte ist so fesselnd, dass ich die gesamte Trilogie ca. in einer woche fertig gelesen habe. die hauptchataktere, nahri, dara und ali, wachsen einem unglaublich ans herz und man bekommt richtig angst wenn sich eine tragische wendung anbahnt, dass ihnen etwas geschehen könnte lol das buch hat mich mehr als einmal zu tränen gerührt und ich kann es wirklich nur weiterempfehlen! die welt, in die man eintaucht, ist wirklich unglaublich.


Mary am 07.02.2022
Bewertungsnummer: 1652359
Bewertet: Buch (Gebundene Ausgabe)

ich bin echt froh, dass ich mir dieses buch gekauft habe, es gehört definitiv zu den besten fantasy reihen, die ich je gelesen habe. die Geschichte ist so fesselnd, dass ich die gesamte Trilogie ca. in einer woche fertig gelesen habe. die hauptchataktere, nahri, dara und ali, wachsen einem unglaublich ans herz und man bekommt richtig angst wenn sich eine tragische wendung anbahnt, dass ihnen etwas geschehen könnte lol das buch hat mich mehr als einmal zu tränen gerührt und ich kann es wirklich nur weiterempfehlen! die welt, in die man eintaucht, ist wirklich unglaublich.

Unsere Kundinnen und Kunden meinen

The City of Brass

von S. A. Chakraborty


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Kathrin Bögelsack

Orell Füssli Bern

Zum Portrait


Unputdownable fantasy-adventure

Bewertet: Buch (Gebundene Ausgabe)

The start of a promising fantasy-trilogy, «The City of Brass» had me reading until the early morning hours. S. A. Chakraborty tells the story of Nahri, a young orphaned woman making her living as a con-artist in 18th century Cairo until she accidentally summons a demon and a djinn in a ceremony designed to ban harmful spirits. Her world is turned upside down as she flees Cairo alongside Dara, the djinn, towards Daevabad, mythical city of the djinn and center of simmering feuds and schemes, where their arrival threatens to overthrow the carefully held balance. I loved the exotic setting, the numerous fantastical characters, the way Chakraborty switches perspectives and enhances the suspense, and the unforeseen turns her story takes. It is a gripping, exciting tale she spins and I cannot wait to start reading the rest of it!
  • Kathrin Bögelsack
  • Buchhändler/-in

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Unputdownable fantasy-adventure

Bewertet: Buch (Gebundene Ausgabe)

The start of a promising fantasy-trilogy, «The City of Brass» had me reading until the early morning hours. S. A. Chakraborty tells the story of Nahri, a young orphaned woman making her living as a con-artist in 18th century Cairo until she accidentally summons a demon and a djinn in a ceremony designed to ban harmful spirits. Her world is turned upside down as she flees Cairo alongside Dara, the djinn, towards Daevabad, mythical city of the djinn and center of simmering feuds and schemes, where their arrival threatens to overthrow the carefully held balance. I loved the exotic setting, the numerous fantastical characters, the way Chakraborty switches perspectives and enhances the suspense, and the unforeseen turns her story takes. It is a gripping, exciting tale she spins and I cannot wait to start reading the rest of it!

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L. Schreyer

Orell Füssli Zürich Flughafen

Zum Portrait


Djinns and other islamic myths

Bewertet: Buch (Gebundene Ausgabe)

OMG, this book is a favourite of mine and I almost forgot it. This story is inspired by "1001 Nights". The book itself is about a woman from Kairo, Nahri, who mistakenly summons a djinn, Dara, who was a servant for her dead family. He also tells her that she's half djinn, so a mixed breed. But apparently her ancestors were high-ranking djinn, which is why they would have never mixed with humans. Even the djinn who is supposed to protect Nahri detests her human part. But his country needs her, because she has the ability to heal every ailment. And the djinn are dying. This book contains great worldbuilding and both Nahri and Dara are very complex characters. The first 50 pages already captured me and after that I just flew through it.
  • L. Schreyer
  • Buchhändler/-in

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Djinns and other islamic myths

Bewertet: Buch (Gebundene Ausgabe)

OMG, this book is a favourite of mine and I almost forgot it. This story is inspired by "1001 Nights". The book itself is about a woman from Kairo, Nahri, who mistakenly summons a djinn, Dara, who was a servant for her dead family. He also tells her that she's half djinn, so a mixed breed. But apparently her ancestors were high-ranking djinn, which is why they would have never mixed with humans. Even the djinn who is supposed to protect Nahri detests her human part. But his country needs her, because she has the ability to heal every ailment. And the djinn are dying. This book contains great worldbuilding and both Nahri and Dara are very complex characters. The first 50 pages already captured me and after that I just flew through it.

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The City of Brass

von S. A. Chakraborty

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