Little Fires Everywhere: Reese's Book Club

Little Fires Everywhere: Reese's Book Club

Gebundenes Buch

Gebundenes Buch

Fr. 29.90

Little Fires Everywhere: Reese's Book Club

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Gebundenes Buch

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Fr. 39.90

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Random House USA



Maße (L/B/H)

23.3/15.1/3 cm


486 g












Random House USA



Maße (L/B/H)

23.3/15.1/3 cm


486 g





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6 Bewertungen

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Loved it!

Irina B. am 20.10.2022

Bewertungsnummer: 1809300

Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)

It's the second book by the author that I read and liked! The family tensions, their dreams or duties are told in a writing style that I personally prefer: philosophical but not excessively so.

Loved it!

Irina B. am 20.10.2022
Bewertungsnummer: 1809300
Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)

It's the second book by the author that I read and liked! The family tensions, their dreams or duties are told in a writing style that I personally prefer: philosophical but not excessively so.


Nina aus München am 04.02.2021

Bewertungsnummer: 1436333

Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)

SPOILER! The characters are all unlikeable to me. The only person I find somewhat "okay" is Izzy. I felt sorry for her from the beginning, especially with her horrible mother and siblings. Everyone in the family seems to lack empathy and humanity. Mia and Pearl act strange, too. Pearl is so incredibly childish..That's why she's so easily manipulated. Her relationship (or whatever it's supposed to be) with her "friend" Lexie's older brother comes as no surprise. Still, Pearl disappoints the reader's expectations, as do all the other characters. All seem immature, like pouting children. ALL their problems are due to lack of communication and compassion. Even Moody is unfair and mean to Pearl after he finds out about her and his brother. He seems to have been in love with her, but "love"..?.. It certainly isn't. In my eyes, it's not even friendship. The adoption story is nerve-wracking. While I can understand both sides, I still find the adoptive parents extremely unlikable. I can understand Bebe's decision to run away. It's brave that she dared to do that. On the other hand, she had nothing to lose. Elena Richardson is an awful person. I can't comprehend how many people can take her side. She behaves irresponsibly and ignorantly over and over again. I didn't like the open ending either. Even though you can guess what happens roughly after that. The book has a lot of suspense, so it was relatively easy to read without being bored. The rest was lame and superficial.


Nina aus München am 04.02.2021
Bewertungsnummer: 1436333
Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)

SPOILER! The characters are all unlikeable to me. The only person I find somewhat "okay" is Izzy. I felt sorry for her from the beginning, especially with her horrible mother and siblings. Everyone in the family seems to lack empathy and humanity. Mia and Pearl act strange, too. Pearl is so incredibly childish..That's why she's so easily manipulated. Her relationship (or whatever it's supposed to be) with her "friend" Lexie's older brother comes as no surprise. Still, Pearl disappoints the reader's expectations, as do all the other characters. All seem immature, like pouting children. ALL their problems are due to lack of communication and compassion. Even Moody is unfair and mean to Pearl after he finds out about her and his brother. He seems to have been in love with her, but "love"..?.. It certainly isn't. In my eyes, it's not even friendship. The adoption story is nerve-wracking. While I can understand both sides, I still find the adoptive parents extremely unlikable. I can understand Bebe's decision to run away. It's brave that she dared to do that. On the other hand, she had nothing to lose. Elena Richardson is an awful person. I can't comprehend how many people can take her side. She behaves irresponsibly and ignorantly over and over again. I didn't like the open ending either. Even though you can guess what happens roughly after that. The book has a lot of suspense, so it was relatively easy to read without being bored. The rest was lame and superficial.

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Little Fires Everywhere

von Celeste Ng


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  • Little Fires Everywhere: Reese's Book Club