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From the 2013 Orange Prizewinning author of May We Be Forgiven, a dark and twisting novel following the correspondence between a jailed pedophile and a nineteen-year-old woman asking for his help with her own unthinkable obsessionsa controversial, but utterly fascinating horror story.
Only a work of such searing, meticulously controlled brilliance could provoke such a wide range of visceral responses. A dark, provocative, and unnervingly compelling novel, The End of Alice dives deep into the darkest corners of the human psyche. Following the correspondence between a seasoned pedophile imprisoned for horrific crimes and a nineteen-year-old following her own forbidden desires, the narrative blurs the line between confessor and accomplice. Through the voice of the jailed pedophile, the narrative weaves between his current state in prison, his memories of the horrifying acts he committed, and his letters of advice to the young woman with an obsessive appetite for prepubescent boys.
With Homes' sharp prose and fearless exploration of morality, this novel is an utterly captivating unraveling of chilling layers of manipulation, obsession, and secrets. Acclaimed for its unflinching honesty and controversial themes, The End of Alice challenges all to confront the uncomfortable.
Only a work of such searing, meticulously controlled brilliance could provoke such a wide range of visceral responses. A dark, provocative, and unnervingly compelling novel, The End of Alice dives deep into the darkest corners of the human psyche. Following the correspondence between a seasoned pedophile imprisoned for horrific crimes and a nineteen-year-old following her own forbidden desires, the narrative blurs the line between confessor and accomplice. Through the voice of the jailed pedophile, the narrative weaves between his current state in prison, his memories of the horrifying acts he committed, and his letters of advice to the young woman with an obsessive appetite for prepubescent boys.
With Homes' sharp prose and fearless exploration of morality, this novel is an utterly captivating unraveling of chilling layers of manipulation, obsession, and secrets. Acclaimed for its unflinching honesty and controversial themes, The End of Alice challenges all to confront the uncomfortable.
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