Shatter Me
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Shatter Me

Buch (Taschenbuch, Englisch)

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Shatter Me

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ab 12 Jahr(e)









"Addictive, intense, and oozing with romance. I'm envious. I couldn't put it down....', - Lauren Kate, New York Times bestselling author of Fallen

Dangerous, sexy, romantic and intense. I dare you to stop reading! - Kami Garcia, author of bestselling Beautiful Creatures series





ab 12 Jahr(e)







Maße (L/B/H)

19.8/13.2/2.4 cm


240 g





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45 Bewertungen

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Bewertung am 29.05.2024

Bewertungsnummer: 2211619

Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)

habe schon so lange nicht mehr ein Buch so sehr geliebt. Konnte es nicht weglegen bis ich fertig war ;). Der Schreibstiel ist sehr leicht zu lesen und es ist auf englisch sehr leicht zu verstehn


Bewertung am 29.05.2024
Bewertungsnummer: 2211619
Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)

habe schon so lange nicht mehr ein Buch so sehr geliebt. Konnte es nicht weglegen bis ich fertig war ;). Der Schreibstiel ist sehr leicht zu lesen und es ist auf englisch sehr leicht zu verstehn

An immaculate start into my favourite series ever

Sahar aus Hamburg am 10.04.2024

Bewertungsnummer: 2174960

Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)

at first, i was quite repulsed by Maf's unique writing style. It felt unorganized, Even though I did enjoy the repetitiveness, i was unsure/annoyed/bewildered whenever Mafi did.. that. Mafi puts the reader right into the events, the opening sentence already grabs the readers attention.. Which made it hard to put the book down, especially during the later passages. Juliette is an attentive and strong but at the same time fragile character, her story enfolds in tiny hits, revealing things that even she was not aware of. Her power is yet a mistery. What to think of Adam though.. he is sweet towards Juliette and all but I just can't stand them as a couple.. Adam being able to touch Juliette made the story way more enjoyable than the dystopian setting already made it, though Aaron Warner is by far the most interesting in Mafi's story. A morally grey character, who would kill to get what he wants: Juliette('s Power). The way he manipulates the people around him, his optimistic and lovely way with words ("Juliette has a "gift" instead of a curse, "I'm not afraid. I'm enchanted) all make up to a well written enjoyable Character. And the first escape through the window!! 0h Lord!! My mouth was o shaped throughout the whole passage. Mafi is a genius i encourage everyone to start this series, if you didnt enjoy the first book believe me, you will by LOVE it by the second book.

An immaculate start into my favourite series ever

Sahar aus Hamburg am 10.04.2024
Bewertungsnummer: 2174960
Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)

at first, i was quite repulsed by Maf's unique writing style. It felt unorganized, Even though I did enjoy the repetitiveness, i was unsure/annoyed/bewildered whenever Mafi did.. that. Mafi puts the reader right into the events, the opening sentence already grabs the readers attention.. Which made it hard to put the book down, especially during the later passages. Juliette is an attentive and strong but at the same time fragile character, her story enfolds in tiny hits, revealing things that even she was not aware of. Her power is yet a mistery. What to think of Adam though.. he is sweet towards Juliette and all but I just can't stand them as a couple.. Adam being able to touch Juliette made the story way more enjoyable than the dystopian setting already made it, though Aaron Warner is by far the most interesting in Mafi's story. A morally grey character, who would kill to get what he wants: Juliette('s Power). The way he manipulates the people around him, his optimistic and lovely way with words ("Juliette has a "gift" instead of a curse, "I'm not afraid. I'm enchanted) all make up to a well written enjoyable Character. And the first escape through the window!! 0h Lord!! My mouth was o shaped throughout the whole passage. Mafi is a genius i encourage everyone to start this series, if you didnt enjoy the first book believe me, you will by LOVE it by the second book.

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Shatter Me

von Tahereh Mafi


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