The Silence of the Girls

The Silence of the Girls A retelling of the classic Greek myth, Troy, from the Booker prize-winning author of Regeneration

The Silence of the Girls

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A stunning return to form




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5 Bewertungen

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A fantastic retelling!

Lina am 16.01.2024

Bewertungsnummer: 2110461

Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)

Pat Barker manages to tell a tale known to most in a new and refreshing way - through the eyes of a woman, a queen, Briseis. After all her family was killed by the famous warrior Achilles, she is forced to stay in his camp, being his slave. And yet, Pat Barker manages to show, that she never loses the sense of her own worth through any of it. The insights into the live of former queens and noble women in a camp where they are treated badly can be quite harsh but I think Pat Barker manages to show what they are experiencing without it being too graphical and too much to bear. A great read and a most welcome retelling through the eyes of overlooked historical figures!

A fantastic retelling!

Lina am 16.01.2024
Bewertungsnummer: 2110461
Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)

Pat Barker manages to tell a tale known to most in a new and refreshing way - through the eyes of a woman, a queen, Briseis. After all her family was killed by the famous warrior Achilles, she is forced to stay in his camp, being his slave. And yet, Pat Barker manages to show, that she never loses the sense of her own worth through any of it. The insights into the live of former queens and noble women in a camp where they are treated badly can be quite harsh but I think Pat Barker manages to show what they are experiencing without it being too graphical and too much to bear. A great read and a most welcome retelling through the eyes of overlooked historical figures!

One of the best modern, feminist retellings!

Bewertung am 19.10.2022

Bewertungsnummer: 1808237

Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)

Am appauled by the previous reviews, who have got his book so wrong. The repeated mention of rape highlights how women were most likely treated in those times. A feminist perspective is not one that glosses over or ignores or tries to eradicate or hide from the the pain and suffering of women, but one that portrays this and deals with it in an honest manner. Nor is a feminist perspective one that completely eradicates the existence of the male (so yes, where Briseis is Achilles' slave, Achilles obviously has a big influence on the character and plot). Where the Iliad demonstrates the power and fight for glory of the men on the very public battlefield (glossing over the hideous and violent crimes against women), this book demonstrates the strength and resillience of women, who are ever fighting their own battles in thier private lives. It sheds light on such hideous and violent crimes that are otherwise disregarded by the male author and narrator. The female characters do not perpetuate this anti-feminist, idiolised image of the strong, independent, feisty, feminist woman, but are portrayed as human; with flaws and doubts and fears, as real women are. This doesn't make them weak or not feminist; it finally offers an honest portrait of a woman, a human being, not some idealised, unattainable idea of what the female should be. If you are looking for a feminist retelling, this is ome of the best. If you've read the Iliad, it highlights and opens doors to completely new interpretations. It also sheds light on many of the important female traditions, such as weaving, healing and lament, which has not had the same amount of attention in popular culture and academic study.

One of the best modern, feminist retellings!

Bewertung am 19.10.2022
Bewertungsnummer: 1808237
Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)

Am appauled by the previous reviews, who have got his book so wrong. The repeated mention of rape highlights how women were most likely treated in those times. A feminist perspective is not one that glosses over or ignores or tries to eradicate or hide from the the pain and suffering of women, but one that portrays this and deals with it in an honest manner. Nor is a feminist perspective one that completely eradicates the existence of the male (so yes, where Briseis is Achilles' slave, Achilles obviously has a big influence on the character and plot). Where the Iliad demonstrates the power and fight for glory of the men on the very public battlefield (glossing over the hideous and violent crimes against women), this book demonstrates the strength and resillience of women, who are ever fighting their own battles in thier private lives. It sheds light on such hideous and violent crimes that are otherwise disregarded by the male author and narrator. The female characters do not perpetuate this anti-feminist, idiolised image of the strong, independent, feisty, feminist woman, but are portrayed as human; with flaws and doubts and fears, as real women are. This doesn't make them weak or not feminist; it finally offers an honest portrait of a woman, a human being, not some idealised, unattainable idea of what the female should be. If you are looking for a feminist retelling, this is ome of the best. If you've read the Iliad, it highlights and opens doors to completely new interpretations. It also sheds light on many of the important female traditions, such as weaving, healing and lament, which has not had the same amount of attention in popular culture and academic study.

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The Silence of the Girls

von Pat Barker


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