A Book for Escargot
Buch (Gebundene Ausgabe, Englisch)
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Gebundene Ausgabe
4 - 6 Jahr(e)
Sydney Hanson
Farrar, Straus and Giroux (BYR)*An Amazon Best Book of the Year and Indie Bestseller!*
In A Book for Escargot, the standalone sequel to Escargot--written by award-winning and New York Times-bestselling author Dashka Slater and illustrated by Sydney Hanson--we follow a funny and charming French snail through a library to find the book of his dreams.
It is moi, Escargot, your favorite French snail.
Today I am going on a trip to the library, where there are so many stories to choose from!
Stories about dog superheroes...
guinea pig detectives....
and flamingo astronauts.
But sadly, none of these books is about a daring snail hero who saves the day. What is that you say? Perhaps this is the book about the snail hero? Ooh-la-la!
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