Machine Learning for Beginners 2019 The Ultimate Guide to Artificial Intelligence, Neural Networks, and Predictive Modelling (Data Mining Algorithms & Applications for Finance, Business & Marketing)
Fr. 47.90
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568 g
Want to predict what your customers want to buy without them having to tell you? Want to accurately forecast sales trends for your marketing team better than any employee could ever do? Then keep reading. You've heard it before. The rise of artificial intelligence and how it will soon replace human beings and take away our jobs. What exactly is it capable of and how does this impact me? The real question you should be asking yourself is how can I use this to my advantage? How can I use machine learning to benefit my business and surpass my business goals? This book has the answer. Designed for the tech novice, this book will break down the fundamentals of machine learning and what it truly means. You will learn to leverage neural networks, predictive modelling, and data mining algorithms, illustrated with real-world applications for finance, business and marketing. Machine learning isn't just for scientists or engineers anymore. It's become accessible to anyone, and you can discover it's benefits for your business. In Machine Learning for Beginners 2019, we will reveal: ¿ The fundamentals of machine learning. ¿ Each of the buzzwords defined! ¿ 20 real-world applications of machine learning. ¿ How to predict when a customer is about to churn (and prevent it from happening). ¿ How to "upsell" to your customers and close more sales. ¿ How to deal with missing data or poor data. ¿ Where to find free datasets and libraries. ¿ Exactly which machine learning libraries you need. ¿ And much much more! I know you might be overwhelmed at this point, but I assure you this book has been designed for absolute beginners. Everything is in plain English. There is no code, so no coding experience is required. You won't walk away a machine learning god, but you will walk away with key strategies you can implement right away to improve your business. ¿¿¿¿ If you are ready to start making big changes to your business, scroll up and click buy. ¿¿¿¿
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