Blowing My Way to the Top

Blowing My Way to the Top

How to Break the Rules, Find Your Purpose, and Create the Life and Career You Deserve

Fr. 35.90

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Blowing My Way to the Top

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HarperCollins US





"Whether she's writing about her extremely random life (you'll know what I mean when you read it!), the chaos of juggling multiple clients, or effortlessly navigating social media, Jen Atkin is smart, incisive, deservedly-confident-yet-uniquely-humble and real. This is a fun read from an author (my friend!) who clearly wants all her readers to know their worth, lift each other up, and feel like rock stars. It's inspiring without being earnest, witty but with a big heart. An inspiring guide for how to go from dreamer to do-er, from someone who's been there, done that and wrote the book on it." - Chrissy Teigen, New York Times bestselling author of Cravings and Cravings: Hungry for More

"As one of Jen Atkin's least famous clients, I was delighted to read her clever, thoughtful and hilarious book and see she did not out me as "an insane diva with bad extensions." If you want to start a successful business, and do it in style, get this book and learn from its wise and empowering lessons." - Mindy Kaling, New York Times bestselling author of Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? and Why Not Me?

"I've had a front-row seat to Jen Atkin's transformation from salon receptionist to influencer, entrepreneur, and all-around boss. Though she's living the life that dreams are made of, she's never lost sight of where she came from and what it took to achieve those dreams. She always manages to keep her feet and heart grounded and her generosity and kindness are unparalleled. In Blowing My Way to the Top, Jen's street-smart hustle, and IQ and EQ will inspire readers everywhere to fulfill their wildest dreams, just as she has." - Jessica Alba, New York Times bestselling author of The Honest Life and founder of The Honest Company

"Confident, hard-working, savvy, and willing to learn from and lift up everyone around her? Those are just a few of the reasons Jen Atkin is at the top of her game, and I'm in awe of all of them. Lucky for us, she's willing to share the secrets of her success in this candid, insightful memoir. I loved it!" - Sarah Knight, New York Times bestselling author of Get Your Sh*t Together

"Jen Atkin has been my go-to for advice for over a decade-she gives it to you straight but always wants what's best for you. She's also an inspiring example of someone who chased all her professional dreams and, as she conquered each goal, kept dreaming bigger. The result of that hard work is the awesome OUAI brand, the Mane Addicts platform, and now this insightful and laugh-out-loud book. Reading it feels like a phone call with your best girlfriend." - Khloe Kardashian, New York Times bestselling author of Strong Looks Better Naked



Gebundene Ausgabe




HarperCollins US



Maße (L/B/H)

23.6/16.2/3.2 cm


434 g





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