Act Your Age, Eve Brown
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Act Your Age, Eve Brown the perfect feel good, sexy romcom

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Act Your Age, Eve Brown

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Little, Brown Book Group




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Little, Brown Book Group




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Weitere Bände von The Brown Sisters

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third book of three sisters

Sonja aus Freiburg am 16.10.2022

Bewertungsnummer: 1806023

Bewertet: eBook (ePUB)

Eve Brown is chaotic, somewhat planned, but passionate. For fear of failing she gives up every job. Now she is 26 years old and her parents force her to make a decision by shutting down her trust fund. So she rushes off, to a small village, by chance she sees a sign for job interviews and tries. But Jacob Wayne the owner of the B&B where Eve snows in has certain ideas for suitable candidates. But since Eve accidentally drives him over and he can no longer work she stays and takes over the job. But she doesn't just find a job she likes and Jacob gets more than a cook. We follow the protagonists alternately and therefore get to know both also the reason for Jacob's stick in the butt. And even if Eve's lively nature is a bit annoying at the beginning you quickly get used to her. The language is heady with him and chaotic with her, you really notice who you are reading. I liked that very much. Best of all was the friendly evening date scene with his reaction to a discovery. I laughed, I cried, the book entertained me very well. And the obligatory dispute scene was quickly resolved, which I find positive. I am usually annoyed by the pain chaos before the happy ending, so I found this solution very refreshing.

third book of three sisters

Sonja aus Freiburg am 16.10.2022
Bewertungsnummer: 1806023
Bewertet: eBook (ePUB)

Eve Brown is chaotic, somewhat planned, but passionate. For fear of failing she gives up every job. Now she is 26 years old and her parents force her to make a decision by shutting down her trust fund. So she rushes off, to a small village, by chance she sees a sign for job interviews and tries. But Jacob Wayne the owner of the B&B where Eve snows in has certain ideas for suitable candidates. But since Eve accidentally drives him over and he can no longer work she stays and takes over the job. But she doesn't just find a job she likes and Jacob gets more than a cook. We follow the protagonists alternately and therefore get to know both also the reason for Jacob's stick in the butt. And even if Eve's lively nature is a bit annoying at the beginning you quickly get used to her. The language is heady with him and chaotic with her, you really notice who you are reading. I liked that very much. Best of all was the friendly evening date scene with his reaction to a discovery. I laughed, I cried, the book entertained me very well. And the obligatory dispute scene was quickly resolved, which I find positive. I am usually annoyed by the pain chaos before the happy ending, so I found this solution very refreshing.

Unsere Kundinnen und Kunden meinen

Act Your Age, Eve Brown

von Talia Hibbert


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L. Schreyer

Orell Füssli Zürich Flughafen

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The ultimate Sunshine/Grump

Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)

This is one of my absolute favourite romance books, especially because of the sunshine/grump trope. I’m just a sucker for that one. There’s also the right amount of enemies to lovers and damn… the smut is pretty good in this one. Eve Brown is somebody, who can’t do anything right in her life. She loses every job she gets or quits, because she gets bored. Now, her family finally gets pushed over the edge and she stops getting money from her parents. Through that she finds a job in a B&B, but the owner almost throws her out immediately when she starts the interview. Jacob, the owner, who needs help in managing the B&B, is very strict and he hates any kind of trouble. So when Eve comes in, he recognizes chaos. After she’s out of the door, Jacob’s friend tells him that this treatment might have been a little too harsh, so he goes after her to apologize. Eve doesn’t realize that and accidentally runs him over with her car. So now Eve has to help out in the B&B for six weeks, until Jacob can work again. Throughout those weeks, Eve realizes that there might be a reason for her behavior. This was a fun read about a young woman with her life upside down and a man with autism, who runs a B&B, even though he doesn’t like inconviniences. The book is fastpaced and spicy.
  • L. Schreyer
  • Buchhändler/-in

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The ultimate Sunshine/Grump

Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)

This is one of my absolute favourite romance books, especially because of the sunshine/grump trope. I’m just a sucker for that one. There’s also the right amount of enemies to lovers and damn… the smut is pretty good in this one. Eve Brown is somebody, who can’t do anything right in her life. She loses every job she gets or quits, because she gets bored. Now, her family finally gets pushed over the edge and she stops getting money from her parents. Through that she finds a job in a B&B, but the owner almost throws her out immediately when she starts the interview. Jacob, the owner, who needs help in managing the B&B, is very strict and he hates any kind of trouble. So when Eve comes in, he recognizes chaos. After she’s out of the door, Jacob’s friend tells him that this treatment might have been a little too harsh, so he goes after her to apologize. Eve doesn’t realize that and accidentally runs him over with her car. So now Eve has to help out in the B&B for six weeks, until Jacob can work again. Throughout those weeks, Eve realizes that there might be a reason for her behavior. This was a fun read about a young woman with her life upside down and a man with autism, who runs a B&B, even though he doesn’t like inconviniences. The book is fastpaced and spicy.

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Act Your Age, Eve Brown

von Talia Hibbert

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  • Act Your Age, Eve Brown