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When a fake relationship between scientists meets the irresistible force of attraction, it throws one woman's carefully calculated theories on love into chaos.
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I didn't like it.
Shadowchapters am 26.06.2023
Bewertungsnummer: 1968855
Bewertet: Buch (Gebundene Ausgabe)
Phew ok...
Let's start with the fact that in my opinion the book doesn't deserve the hype at all. I really didn't like it.
You can clearly tell this is the author's debut book...
The characters just got on my nerves, it was horror. If I drank a shot every time Olive mentioned how tall Adam is or when Adam called Olive "smart-ass", I'd be drunk after 3 chapters. It was so awful. She seemed so much like a pick me girl, sometimes I had to force myself to keep reading because she annoyed me so much. And I also don't understand what's supposed to be about the book "grumpy x sunshine". She was portrayed as being overly childish and cute in order to somehow fit the trope, which as I said only resulted in her having an annoyance factor times 1000 while he seemed zero grumpy. It was mentioned that he is often very grumpy and critical etc. but whenever he appeared in any scene he seemed quite the opposite, very nice. I also have to say that the entire academic vibe didn't come across to me because I often didn't understand what they were talking about. The chemistry between the characters also wasn't there. I also found many of the scenes written very cringe, especially the spice scenes. At some point I just struggled through the book and even skipped pages because it was just so bad for me and I was cringed up by some of the scenes. However, in order to say something positive, I have to say that I really liked the end (the last 3 chapters) because a very important topic was taken up. Olive & Adam were also more enjoyable to read in the last few chapters. There were also side characters like Holden that I really liked.
Conclusion: I would not buy the book again for the price, I will not read it again and I don't recommend it. For me personally it was a flop. But I'm willing to give the author another chance.
Bei diesem Buch stimmt echt alles! Highlight!
Friedi-Trompeter am 19.03.2023
Bewertungsnummer: 1904051
Bewertet: Buch (Gebundene Ausgabe)
"The Love Hypothesis" ist ein absolut gehyptes Buch. Es ist überall auf social Media zu sehen (gewesen) und wurde auch ins Deutsche übersetzt. Ich habe aber trotzdem die englische Version gelesen. Die fande ich, vielleicht bis auf ein paar wenige wissenschaftliche Abkürzungen, die sich aber aus dem Kontext ergeben haben, gut zu lesen.
Es geht um die (angehende) Wissenschaftlerin Olive und den renommierten Wissenschaftler Adam. Die gesamte Geschichte spielt im akademischen Umfeld, was ich sehr gut beschrieben und auch sehr interessant fand. Insbesondere zum Thema Bauchspeicheldrüsenkrebs habe ich sehr enge persönliche Verbindungen, sodass es für mich umso interessanter war!
Die Geschichte hat alles, was ein gutes Buch braucht: eine kluge, witzige Protagonistin, einen heißen fürsorglichen Protagonisten, eine amüsante Fake-Dating-Story und jede Menge lustige Ideen und Momente. Und auch der Freundeskreis der beiden hat so seinen Anteil am Buch.
Es geht ums Füreinander da sein, ums Für-sich-selbst-Einstehen. Es geht um das Vertrauen in sich selbst und das Vertrauen auf andere. Um Gegensätze, die sich anziehen und Gemeinsamkeiten mit Menschen, von denen man es nicht dachte.
Das ganze Buch hatte so viel Witz und Charme und konnte mich damit voll mitreißen. Definitiv ein Highlight für mich!