The Atlas Six

The Atlas Six

the No.1 Bestseller and TikTok Sensation

Buch (Taschenbuch, Englisch)

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The Atlas Six

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ab 18 Jahr(e)




Pan MacMillan



Lethally smart. Filled with a cast of brilliantly realized characters, each entangled with one another in torturously delicious ways, The Atlas Six will grip you by the throat and refuse to let go. Olivie Blake is a mind-blowing talent Chloe Gong, New York Times bestselling author of These Violent Delights







ab 18 Jahr(e)




Pan MacMillan



Maße (L/B/H)

19.8/12.8/4.2 cm


405 g





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14 Bewertungen

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Absolutely not.

Bewertung am 07.05.2023

Bewertungsnummer: 1936864

Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)

The best way to describe his book is by saying, that the author definitely was more interested in it “sounding” good, rather than it actually being good. The language in the atlas six is incredibly convoluted and every single page feels like it takes ages to get through, just by how terribly it’s written. You’re really getting the impression, that Olivie Blake was trying really hard to make this book sound intelligent. The terrible writing style is definitely not the only problem with this book. The characters are insanely stereotypical, but by the end of the book they’ve lost all their personality anyways. Blake has very obvious favorites among her main cast. Sometimes you’d get to the next chapter and be like “oh, right. that character still exists”. Another point, wich also somewhat connects to the writing style is: this book never takes its time to describe ANYTHING. It kinda reads like a stage play, just by how insanely dialogue heavy it is. It’s really hard to imagine the characters surroundings when nothing is ever described. All in all: this book made me wanna throw it across the room during its whole runtime. The atlas six is easily the most pretentious book of the last few years.

Absolutely not.

Bewertung am 07.05.2023
Bewertungsnummer: 1936864
Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)

The best way to describe his book is by saying, that the author definitely was more interested in it “sounding” good, rather than it actually being good. The language in the atlas six is incredibly convoluted and every single page feels like it takes ages to get through, just by how terribly it’s written. You’re really getting the impression, that Olivie Blake was trying really hard to make this book sound intelligent. The terrible writing style is definitely not the only problem with this book. The characters are insanely stereotypical, but by the end of the book they’ve lost all their personality anyways. Blake has very obvious favorites among her main cast. Sometimes you’d get to the next chapter and be like “oh, right. that character still exists”. Another point, wich also somewhat connects to the writing style is: this book never takes its time to describe ANYTHING. It kinda reads like a stage play, just by how insanely dialogue heavy it is. It’s really hard to imagine the characters surroundings when nothing is ever described. All in all: this book made me wanna throw it across the room during its whole runtime. The atlas six is easily the most pretentious book of the last few years.

no thank you

Nicol aus Wien am 27.04.2023

Bewertungsnummer: 1930846

Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)

The book didn't resonate with me, and I feel like I might have missed the message the author intended to convey. Unfortunately, I didn't enjoy the reading experience, and I didn't feel like I gained anything from it. While the characters were alright, I found the overall atmosphere of the book to be unsettling.

no thank you

Nicol aus Wien am 27.04.2023
Bewertungsnummer: 1930846
Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)

The book didn't resonate with me, and I feel like I might have missed the message the author intended to convey. Unfortunately, I didn't enjoy the reading experience, and I didn't feel like I gained anything from it. While the characters were alright, I found the overall atmosphere of the book to be unsettling.

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The Atlas Six

von Olivie Blake


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