

A Short Story

Buch (Gebundene Ausgabe, Englisch)

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Gebundene Ausgabe




HarperCollins US





Praise for Song of Achilles - ///

"At once a scholar's homage to The Iliad and startlingly original work of art....A book I could not put down." - Ann Patchett, author of The Dutch House

"Sharply written, cleverly re-imagined. . . . Incredibly rewarding." - USA Today

"Wildly romantic [and] surprisingly suspenseful....[B]ringing those dark figures back to life, making them men again, and while she's at it, us[ing] her passionate companion piece to The Iliad as a subtle swipe at today's ongoing debate over gay marriage. Talk about updating the classics." - Time

"One of the best novelistic adaptations of Homer in recent memory." - Wall Street Journal

"Powerful, inventive, passionate, and beautifully written." - Boston Globe

Praise for Circe - ///

"Circe,' [is] a bold and subversive retelling of the goddess's story that manages to be both epic and intimate in its scope, recasting the most infamous female figure from the Odyssey as a hero in her own right." - Alexandra Alter, New York Times

"One of the most amazing qualities of this novel [is]: We know how everything here turns out - we've known it for thousands of years - and yet in Miller's lush reimagining, the story feels harrowing and unexpected. The feminist light she shines on these events never distorts their original shape; it only illuminates details we hadn't noticed before." - Ron Charles, The Washington Post

"Miller's spell builds slowly, but by the last page you'll be in awe. In prose of dreamlike simplicity, she reimagines the myth of Circe." - People

"So vivid, so layered, you could get lost in it... Whether or not you think you like Greek Mythology, this is just great storytelling. It feels cinematic." - NPR's Here & Now

"The story of Circe's entanglement with Odysseus lasts far beyond the narrative of "The Odyssey," making for compelling material to revisit. But ultimately it's as a character that Circe stands apart....Through her elegant, psychologically acute prose, Miller gives us a rich female character who inhabits the spaces in between." - Colleen Abel, Minneapolis Star Tribune



Gebundene Ausgabe




HarperCollins US



Maße (L/B/H)

16/11.3/1.2 cm


114 g





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6 Bewertungen

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Worth a read!

Bewertung aus Bremen am 26.01.2024

Bewertungsnummer: 2116938

Bewertet: Buch (Gebundene Ausgabe)

A beautiful but short retelling. I would highly recommend anyone who likes Madeline Millers books to check this one out as well. It took me actually quite some time to read it after I got it, because I thought it can't be that good due to its shortness, but I could't have been more wrong. It was a pleasant surprise and definitely worth it!

Worth a read!

Bewertung aus Bremen am 26.01.2024
Bewertungsnummer: 2116938
Bewertet: Buch (Gebundene Ausgabe)

A beautiful but short retelling. I would highly recommend anyone who likes Madeline Millers books to check this one out as well. It took me actually quite some time to read it after I got it, because I thought it can't be that good due to its shortness, but I could't have been more wrong. It was a pleasant surprise and definitely worth it!


Anna am 03.08.2023

Bewertungsnummer: 1993399

Bewertet: eBook (ePUB)

Loved it. It was short, it was powerful, it was beautiful and too good to not recommend to anyone you meet afterwards. Madaline Miller's writing will always be one of my favourites. She knows the power of words and she knows how to use them.


Anna am 03.08.2023
Bewertungsnummer: 1993399
Bewertet: eBook (ePUB)

Loved it. It was short, it was powerful, it was beautiful and too good to not recommend to anyone you meet afterwards. Madaline Miller's writing will always be one of my favourites. She knows the power of words and she knows how to use them.

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von Madeline Miller


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