Exes and O's

Exes and O's

The next swoon-worthy rom-com from romance sensation Amy Lea

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Exes and O's

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Maße (L/B/H)

19.8/12.4/3.2 cm


276 g





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2 Bewertungen

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Bewertung am 04.02.2024

Bewertungsnummer: 2123940

Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)

Locker leicht, liest sich flüssig und sorgt für gute Stimmung. Mit vielen lustigen Stellen und ohne übertriebenes Drama. Hat mich ein bisschen an den Film "Der perfekte Ex" erinnert.


Bewertung am 04.02.2024
Bewertungsnummer: 2123940
Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)

Locker leicht, liest sich flüssig und sorgt für gute Stimmung. Mit vielen lustigen Stellen und ohne übertriebenes Drama. Hat mich ein bisschen an den Film "Der perfekte Ex" erinnert.

The Ultimate Slow-Burn

Sabrina Reiter aus Wien, Donauzentrum am 01.02.2023

Bewertungsnummer: 1871013

Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)

„Exes and O’s“ is a fun rom com that follows a woman who tries to make her favorite romance book trope her reality. Tara Chen, a romance novel connoisseur, booktoker and bookstagrammer, has been dumped a number of times in her 30 years of life - 10 times to be precise. Instead of looking for a new love, however, she decides to reconnect with her past ones to see if a) Mr Right got away the first time around, and b) why exactly her relationships went up in flames in the first place, only to ultimately find love where she least expected. If there was an award for the ultimate slow-burn romance, „Exes and O’s“ would win it, hands down. This book is a sweet and fast read that’ll melt every romantic’s heart. The characters are lovable and the progression of Tara and Trevor’s relationship from roomies to friends to more feels very natural. Tara is a great MC that you can’t help but root for. She is a ray of sunshine, falls fast and hard, and loves unapologetically and with her whole heart. Trevor, who is the grump in this scenario, is a very closed-off, but supportive and loyal man and seeing their relationship blossom is nothing short of joyful. Sweet, fun and heart-warming – „Exes and O’s“ is the perfect book for romantics who are looking for a largely drama-free comfort read. If you enjoy slow-burn romances, you should definitely read this book.

The Ultimate Slow-Burn

Sabrina Reiter aus Wien, Donauzentrum am 01.02.2023
Bewertungsnummer: 1871013
Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)

„Exes and O’s“ is a fun rom com that follows a woman who tries to make her favorite romance book trope her reality. Tara Chen, a romance novel connoisseur, booktoker and bookstagrammer, has been dumped a number of times in her 30 years of life - 10 times to be precise. Instead of looking for a new love, however, she decides to reconnect with her past ones to see if a) Mr Right got away the first time around, and b) why exactly her relationships went up in flames in the first place, only to ultimately find love where she least expected. If there was an award for the ultimate slow-burn romance, „Exes and O’s“ would win it, hands down. This book is a sweet and fast read that’ll melt every romantic’s heart. The characters are lovable and the progression of Tara and Trevor’s relationship from roomies to friends to more feels very natural. Tara is a great MC that you can’t help but root for. She is a ray of sunshine, falls fast and hard, and loves unapologetically and with her whole heart. Trevor, who is the grump in this scenario, is a very closed-off, but supportive and loyal man and seeing their relationship blossom is nothing short of joyful. Sweet, fun and heart-warming – „Exes and O’s“ is the perfect book for romantics who are looking for a largely drama-free comfort read. If you enjoy slow-burn romances, you should definitely read this book.

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Exes and O's

von Amy Lea


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