Swiss Firm Theories by Gnomes of Zurich
Firm, Business Organization, Theories. DE
Buch (Taschenbuch, Englisch)
Fr. 153.00
inkl. gesetzl. MwSt.Beschreibung
LAP LAMBERT Academic PublishingSeitenzahl
Swiss Firm Theories by Gnomes of Zurich is written to better understand the firm as a business organization. It proposes the firm theories on the new wealth creation in the economy in the time. In the microeconomics, the book reviews the 8 old existing firm theories and proposes the 16 Ledenyov new original firm theories, using the knowledge bases in the natural/social sciences. An every firm¿s operation theory of interest is structured as the protocols stack in the terms of IT science. The Zurich Gnomes¿ firm theories total number is 24, coinciding with a number of hours per an astronomical day-night cycle. In the macroeconomics, the economic output generation by the firms in the economy in the time is clearly explained. Notably, the Swiss mechanical watches gentle images graphically illustrate all the proposed firm theories in the micro-/macro-economics.
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