By Any Other Name

By Any Other Name

Buch (Taschenbuch, Englisch)

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By Any Other Name

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Penguin Books Ltd





Her best one yet. Jodi Picoult has combined her trademark research with an astonishing and heart-rending story, embedded in truth, and turned it into a gripping novel Jojo Moyes









Penguin Books Ltd



Maße (L/B/H)

23.4/15.5/4.5 cm


659 g





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Hidden Voices

Sabrina Reiter aus Wien, Donauzentrum am 20.08.2024

Bewertungsnummer: 2272403

Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)

„There was once a girl who became invisible so that her words might not be.” “By Any Other Name” tells the story of two female writers who must fade into the background for their works to be seen. Told in intertwining storylines, we follow the life of Emilia Bassano, a young ward of English aristocrats in 16th century England, who lets one of the most famous playwrights in history take credit for her works in order for them to be seen by the public, and Melina Green, a young American playwright who wants to share her ancestor’s story with the world, but in order to do so takes a step back and lets someone else assume the creator’s identity. In large parts a historical novel, “By Any Other Name” is a somewhat atypical book for this author, but just as thought-provoking as ever. Being Jodi Picoult’s self-proclaimed number one fan, I love the route she takes with this book. The story is about privilege and marginalization on so many levels and – judging by today’s climate – more relevant than ever. I finished this novel shortly before visiting London and seeing a stage-performance of “Much Ado About Nothing”, and I have to say I truly saw everything through a very different lens because of it. Before reading this book I’ve never even heard about the whole Shakespeare controversy, and this truly sent me down a rabbit hole. I don’t know about you, but if a book makes me stop and look up historical figures, events, and such, it just goes to show how well-crafted a story and intriguing characters an author has created. If you enjoy thought-provoking stories, historical novels and/or books that put the spotlight on those who have been voiceless for way too long, you should definitely read “By Any Other Name”. And always remember, “just because there is an absence of evidence doesn’t mean there is evidence of absence.”

Hidden Voices

Sabrina Reiter aus Wien, Donauzentrum am 20.08.2024
Bewertungsnummer: 2272403
Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)

„There was once a girl who became invisible so that her words might not be.” “By Any Other Name” tells the story of two female writers who must fade into the background for their works to be seen. Told in intertwining storylines, we follow the life of Emilia Bassano, a young ward of English aristocrats in 16th century England, who lets one of the most famous playwrights in history take credit for her works in order for them to be seen by the public, and Melina Green, a young American playwright who wants to share her ancestor’s story with the world, but in order to do so takes a step back and lets someone else assume the creator’s identity. In large parts a historical novel, “By Any Other Name” is a somewhat atypical book for this author, but just as thought-provoking as ever. Being Jodi Picoult’s self-proclaimed number one fan, I love the route she takes with this book. The story is about privilege and marginalization on so many levels and – judging by today’s climate – more relevant than ever. I finished this novel shortly before visiting London and seeing a stage-performance of “Much Ado About Nothing”, and I have to say I truly saw everything through a very different lens because of it. Before reading this book I’ve never even heard about the whole Shakespeare controversy, and this truly sent me down a rabbit hole. I don’t know about you, but if a book makes me stop and look up historical figures, events, and such, it just goes to show how well-crafted a story and intriguing characters an author has created. If you enjoy thought-provoking stories, historical novels and/or books that put the spotlight on those who have been voiceless for way too long, you should definitely read “By Any Other Name”. And always remember, “just because there is an absence of evidence doesn’t mean there is evidence of absence.”

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By Any Other Name

von Jodi Picoult


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