Family Sharing
ab 16 Jahr(e)
Avtor dvuh mirovyh bestsellerov «Vse, chego ya ne skazala» i «I povsyudu tleyut pozhary», ne izmenyaya svoemu psihologicheskomu stilyu, stupaet na novuyu dlya sebya zhanrovuyu territoriyu. Roman o materinskoj lyubvi v mire, kotoryj poraboshchen strahom. Dvenadcatiletnij CHizh vedet tihuyu zhizn' s lyubyashchim, no slomlennym otcom, byvshim lingvistom, kotoryj teper' rabotaet bibliotekarem. CHizh znaet, chto nel'zya zadavat' voprosy, nel'zya vydelyat'sya, nel'zya uhodit' daleko ot doma. Poslednie gody ih zhizn' podchinena zakonam, prizvannym sohranit' tradicionnye cennosti. Novye zakony pozvolyayut vlastyam zabirat' u oppozicionno nastroennyh roditelej detej, iz bibliotek i knizhnyh magazinov izymayutsya knigi, schitayushchiesya nepatriotichnymi. Sredi nih i knizhka stihov materi CHizha. Mat' ischezla, kogda CHizhu bylo devyat' let. Odnazhdy CHizh poluchaet zagadochnoe pis'mo, v kotorom tol'ko strannye risunki, i otpravlyaetsya na poiski materi. Ego puteshestvie stanet vozvrashcheniem k skazkam i istoriyam, kotorye mat' kogda-to uspela emu prochitat' i kotorye on zabyl. Novyj roman Selesty Ing - istoriya o tom, chto mozhno vyzhit' dazhe v perelomannom i iskorezhennom mire, esli serdce tvoe ucelelo.
Unsere Kundinnen und Kunden meinen
Dystopian novel
Thala am 30.05.2024
Bewertungsnummer: 2212182
Bewertet: Buch (Gebundene Ausgabe)
Celeste Ng's third novel is set in a close, dystopian future. After an economic crises, people blame China and Asia as the whole continent. The perfect basis for PACE. "Our missing heart" is told from the PoV of a young son, Bird Gardner, whose Chinese mother had to escape and live in the underground. He is missing her so badly. His mother is Margaret Mia, a poet whose poem "our missing heart" became famous because it was quoted by rebels. These rebel say that kids are taken from their parents whenever they critic the government (PACT). It was a dark, sad story. Still, sometimes the pacing was really slow. I loved how Bird developed from being naive to a young person who thinks for himself and is ready to build his own opinion. The end was open and a bit disappointing. On the other hand, it made me think a lot. Was it a good or bad ending? Why did Margaret act the way she did? Will the world ever change?
I recommend this book to readers who like to read dystopian novels.
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Finding someone or beeing found
Bewertet: Buch (Gebundene Ausgabe)