![Hyperfocus (Hyperfocus Spanish Edition)](https://images.thalia.media/-/BF750-750/54677386721e4b58873880d633360499/hyperfocus-hyperfocus-spanish-edition-taschenbuch-chris-bailey-spanisch.jpeg)
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Nueva edición revisada de Hyperfocus, una guía práctica para manejar tu atención: el recurso más poderoso que tienes para hacer las cosas, ser más creativo y vivir una vida con sentido Nuestra atención nunca ha estado tan sobrecargada como lo está en la actualidad. Nuestros cerebros se esfuerzan para realizar múltiples tareas a la vez, mientras ocupamos cada momento de nuestras vidas hasta el límite con distracciones sin sentido. Las investigaciones neurocientíficas más recientes revelan que nuestro cerebro tiene dos poderosos modos de actuar cuando usamos nuestra atención de manera efectiva: un modo enfocado (hyperfocus), que es la base para ser altamente productivos, y un modo crea¬tivo (scatterfocus), que nos permite conectar ideas de forma novedosa. Aprenderás a: Identificar y tratar con los cuatro tipos clave de distracción e interrupción. Establecer un entorno físico y mental claro en el cual trabajar. Controlar la motivación y trabajar menos horas para ser más productivos. Hacer pausas intencionadamente. Aprender cuándo prestar atención y cuándo dejar que tu mente deambule por donde quiera. ******* New revised edition of Hyperfocus, a practical guide to managing your attention: the most powerful resource you have to get things done, be more creative and live a meaningful life. Our attention has never been as overwhelmed as it is today. Many of us recognize that our brains struggle to multitask. Despite this, we feel compelled to do so anyway while we fill each moment of our lives to the brim with mindless distraction. Hyperfocus provides profound insights into how you can best take charge of your attention to achieve a greater sense of purpose and productivity throughout the day. The most recent neuroscientific research reveals that the brain has two powerful modes that can be unlocked when we use our attention effectively: a focused mode (hyperfocus), which is the foundation for being highly productive, and a creative mode (scatterfocus), which enables us to connect ideas in novel ways. Hyperfocus helps you access each of these two mental modes so you can concentrate more deeply, think more clearly, and work and live more deliberately every day. Chris Bailey examines topics such as: - identifying and dealing with the four key types of distraction and interruption; - establishing a clear physical and mental environment in which to work; - controlling motivation and working fewer hours to become more productive; - taking time-outs with intention; - multitasking strategically; and - learning when to pay attention and when to let your mind wander wherever it wants to. By transforming how you think about your attention, Hyperfocus reveals that the more effectively you learn to take charge of it, the better you'll be able to manage every aspect of your life.
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