1. Rejoyce in the Lord (Christmas) [Sinfonia]
- Rejoyce in the Lord (Christmas) [Sinfonia]
- Rejoyce in the Lord (Christmas) Chorus: Rejoyce in the Lord o ye righteous
- Rejoyce in the Lord (Christmas) Duet: Praise the Lord with harp
- Rejoyce in the Lord (Christmas) Chorus: Sing unto the Lord a new Song
- Rejoyce in the Lord (Christmas) Duet: For faithfull is the word of God
- Rejoyce in the Lord (Christmas) Recitative: By the word of the Lord were the Heavens made
- Rejoyce in the Lord (Christmas) Chorus: The swelling floods together roll'd
- Rejoyce in the Lord (Christmas) Duet: Thy Royall seat O Lord for Ever shall remain
- Rejoyce in the Lord (Christmas) Chorus: Let Earth and all that well therein before him trembling stand
- Rejoyce in the Lord (Christmas) Chorus: O Praise the Lord and be joyfull
- Magnificat [Sinfonia]
- Magnificat Chorus: My soul doth magnifie the Lord
- Magnificat Aria: For he hath regarded the lowliness of his hand Maiden
- Magnificat Chorus: For behold from henceforth
- Magnificat Aria: For he that is mighty hath magnified me
- Magnificat Chorus: He hath shewed strength with his arm
- Magnificat Duet: He hath put down the mighty from their seat
- Magnificat Chorus: He hath filled the hungry with good things
- Magnificat Duet: He remembering his mercy has holpen his servant Israel
- Magnificat Chorus: Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the holy ghost
- Concerto per il Oboe Solo in B flat major
- O Praise the Lord, laud ye the name of the Lord Chorus: O Praise the Lord, laud ye the name of the Lord
- O Praise the Lord, laud ye the name of the Lord Recit: Ye that stand in the house of the Lord
- O Praise the Lord, laud ye the name of the Lord Trio: O Praise the Lord, for the Lord is gracious
- O Praise the Lord, laud ye the name of the Lord Accomp. Recitative: For I know that the Lord is great
- O Praise the Lord, laud ye the name of the Lord Aria: Thy name o Lord endureth forever
- O Praise the Lord, laud ye the name of the Lord Chorus: Praise the Lord ye house of Israel