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Marie Lu
The Young ElitesBuch
Fr. 39.90
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Zur Artikeldetailseite von Midnight Star 8d des Autors Marie Lu
Marie Lu
Midnight Star 8dHörbuch
Fr. 71.90
Zur Artikeldetailseite von ROSE SOCIETY 9D des Autors Marie Lu
Marie Lu
Fr. 76.90
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Bewertung am 04.05.2017
Bewertungsnummer: 483909
Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)
Seitdem Adelina an einem mysteriösen Blutfieber erkrankt war, ist sie nicht nur durch eine Narbe gezeichnet, sondern zieht deshalb auch noch den Hass ihres Vaters auf sich. Als sie sich endlich von ihm lösen kann, entdeckt sie ihre magische Gabe der Illusion und tritt der geheimen Organisation der Dolche bei. Diese haben es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, den König, der alle Gezeichneten vernichten will, zu stürzen.
Endlich mal wieder ein Buch, das ich nicht aus den Händen legen konnte und von der ersten bis zur letzten Seite verschlungen habe! Eine Topempfehlung für dieses Jahr!
Badass story
Hannah (PSIloveThatBook) aus Köln am 13.03.2017
Bewertungsnummer: 1005857
Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)
EXPECTATIONS: So this was my first book my Marie Lu. I do own Legend and I had Young Elites on my shelf for more than a year but it took me awhile...
THE WORLD: So first of all we are set back in time, back to Inquisition period. Basically people are scared and ruled by Inquisition but instead of usual witch trials we have Malfettos. They are pretty much children that survived blood fever and emerged with super powers. Actually I am amazed how close this all is to witches. But anyways, so yeah old times. We have a bit of court, a bit of arranged marriages and so on. I personally think the idea was amazing but it was not really developed, we could have had such an beautiful world but maybe in next books...So far I was not impressed. And also this whole Malfettos idea for me was one to one Shatter Me and their powers and whole they are abominations things and Inquisition ruling... seriously am I the only one seeing a mirror effect here? I am not saying Marie Lu copied on purpose but I also cannot help but compare.
CHARACTERS: We have a sorta Dagger society and there are few of them, actually Dagger society? Is this a new title, I swear I know Dagger Brotherhood from Ward books. Hmmm. Oh well. Anyways so main character is named Adelina...I was oh my I so was expecting a book about villains, well sorry this book has nothing to do with villains. It is about extremely annoying Adelina who 99% of the book is whinny and self pitying...I mean seriously? Hrr hate her. Then we have this supposed super hot angel like true prince Enzo who wants to gets his thrown back. Right....I guess it was no surprise I disliked Enzo even more than Adelina. I mean really, have we not had enough of this type of male characters? What else? Yeah Raffaele...probably the only character I kinda liked. Except for the ending, what the hell? Like really? Out of character much?! And finally oh no actually not yet, but yeah Teren, a biggest hypocrite of them all. No really if there were villains in this book then that would be Teren...a self centered and totally dillusional but villain all the same. And I am already sending the ending of his not impressed. And now the last and the most hater character of them all -Violetta. Worst sister ever, no really WORST! Burn witch burn!
ROMANCE: Blaaaaaaaah how could anybody ever be into it? I liked the sudden turn for Enzo but the ending already told me it won't last long. How unfortunate.
GOOD: Not sure, I liked the blood part I guess and what happened to Dante and Enzo, yeah especially Enzo.
BAD: The ending was the worst. Like spoiler much? Makes me really think if I want to continue with the series.
OVERALL: Okay so I was super disappointed, everybody was crazy about this book and I get this? It's not necessary bad it's just when you go expecting a lot and then just...well yeah. I might give it another try one day.