The Neural Basis of Early Vision
Band 11

The Neural Basis of Early Vision

Aus der Reihe

The Neural Basis of Early Vision

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A. Kaneko


Springer Tokyo










A. Kaneko


Springer Tokyo



Maße (L/B/H)

23.5/15.5/1.5 cm


417 g


Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 2003






Springer Japan KK
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Weitere Bände von Keio University International Symposia for Life Sciences and Medicine

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  • The Neural Basis of Early Vision
  • Psychophysics to Biophysics: How a Perception Depends on Circuits, Synapses, and Vesicles.- Phototransduction in Rods and Cones, and Beyond.- Efficiency of Phototransduction Cascade in Cones.- Voltage-Gated Ion Channels in Human Photoreceptors: Na+ and Hyperpolarization-Activated Cation Channels.- Neuroinformatics in Vision Science: NRV Project and VISIOME Platform.- The Cone Pedicle, the First Synapse in the Retina.- Transmission at the Mammalian Cone Photoreceptor Basal Synapse.- Impaired Transmission from Photoreceptors to Bipolar Cells: Mouse Models.- Selective Dysfunction of On- and/or Off-Bipolar Cell in Human Diseases.- Neural Circuit Contributing to the Formation of the Receptive Surround.- GABAergic Modulation of Ephaptic Feedback in the Outer Retina.- SN1 Catalyzes Transport of Glutamine Across Müller Cells in Retina.- Some Functions of Amacrine Cells.- Synaptic Mechanisms Underlying Direction Selectivity in Rabbit Retinal Ganglion Cells.- Processing and Integration Mechanisms of Visual Transmission in the Retinal Network.- Narrow-Field Amacrine Cells Mediate OFF Signals Between B2 Bipolar and Ganglion Cells in the Mouse Retina.- Functional Roles of Action Potentials and Na Currents in Amacrine Cells.- Neural Mechanisms of Synchronous Oscillations in Retinal Ganglion Cells.- Adaptation of the Retinal Code: What the Eye Does Not Tell the Brain.- Coding Properties of the Avian ON-OFF Retinal Ganglion Cells.- Spatiotemporal Changes in Gap Junctional Communication During Retinal Development and Regeneration of Adult Newt.- Development and Plasticity in the Postnatal Mouse Retina.- Representation of Visual Information in Simple and Complex Cells in the Primary Visual Cortex.- Diversity of Computation of Orientation and Direction Preference by Visual Cortical Neurons: An Intracellular Reexamination.- Assembly of Receptive Fields in Cat Visual Cortex.- Local Circuit in the Cerebral Cortex.- Properties and Possible Mechanisms of Response Modulation by the Receptive Field Surround in the Cat Primary Visual Cortex.- Representation of Surface Luminance and Brightness in Macaque Visual Cortex.- Inhibitory Circuits that Control Critical Period Plasticity in Developing Visual Cortex.- Substrates of Rapid Plasticity in Developing Visual Cortex.- Actions of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor on Function and Morphology of Visual Cortical Neurons.- Distance and Size Estimation in the Tiger Beetle Larva: Behavioral, Morphological, and Electrophysiological Approaches.- Extraocular Photoreception of a Marine Gastropoda, Onchidium: Three-Dimensional Analysis of the Axons of Dermal Photoreceptor Cells in the Dorsal Mantle Examined with a High-Voltage Electron Microscope.- The Cystein-Rich Domains of RDGA, a Drosophila Eye-Specific Diacylglycerol Kinase, Are Required for Protein Localization and Enzyme Activity.- Polymorphic Variations in Long- and Middle-Wavelength-Sensitive Opsin Gene Loci in Crab-Eating Monkeys.- S- and M-Cone Electroretinograms in rd7 Mice with NR2E3 Gene Mutation.- Activation of Group III Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor Suppresses the Membrane Currents in Newt Photoreceptors.- Quantitative Analysis of Signal Transduction in the Olfactory Receptor Cell.- RPE65-Related Proteins Constitute a Retinoid- and Carotenoid-Metabolizing Protein Family Throughout the Animal and Plant Kingdom.- Simulation Analysis of Retinal Horizontal Cells.- External Proton Mediates the Feedback from Horizontal Cells to Cones in the Newt Retina.- A Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor Mediates Synaptic Transmission from Blue-Sensitive Cones to ON-Bipolar Cells in Carp Retina.- Mathematical Model Study of Continuous Transmitter Release in the Synaptic Terminal of Goldfish Retinal Bipolar Cells.- The Role of Ionic Currents in Shaping Light Responses of Retinal Bipolar Cell.- Asymmetric Temporal Properties in the Receptive Field of Transient Amacrine Cells in Carp Retina.- Spatial Asymmetry and Temporal Delay of Inhibitory Amacrine Cells Produce Directional Selectivity in Retina.- Fast Calcium Imagings of Amacrine Cell Dendrites in Horizontally Sliced Goldfish Retina.- Distribution and Morphological Features of the Retinal Ganglion Cells in Chicks.- Homotypic Gap Junction Connections Between Retinal Amacrine Cells.- A Retinal Ganglion Cell Model Based on Discrete Stochastic Ion Channels.- Retinal Adaptation to the Spatiotemporal Statistical Structure of Visual Input.- Zinc as a Neurotransmitter in the Rat Retina.- Suppression by Odorants of Voltage-Gated and Ligand-Gated Channels in Retinal Neurons.- Dopamine D1 Receptor on Cultured Müller Cells.- Origin of Intracellular Ca2+ Concentration Increase by Hypoxia Differs Between Müller Cells and Ganglion Cells.- Expression of Otx2 in Regenerating and Developing Newt Retina.- Genes Involved in the Retinal Development Are Also Expressed in the Retinal Regeneration.- Difference in Survival and Axonal Regeneration Between Alpha and Beta Types of Cat Retinal Ganglion Cells.- Survival-Promoting Effect of Electrical Stimulation on Axotomized Retinal Ganglion Cells.- A New CI Channel Family Defined by Vitelliform Macular Dystrophy.- Pharmacological Aspects of Nilvadipine-Induced Preservation of Retinal Degeneration in RCS Rat Analyzed by mRNA Profiling Assay.- Nilvadipine, a Ca2+ Antagonist, Effectively Preserves Photoreceptor Functions in Royal College of Surgeons Rat.- Aberrantly Expressed Recoverin in Tumor Tissues from Gastric Cancer Patients.- Cancer-Associated Retinopathy (CAR) is Effectively Treated by Ca2+ Antagonist Administration.- Effects of Calcium Channel Blockers on Retinal Morphology and Function of rd Mouse.- Chemically Induced Mutations in the Mouse that Affect the Fundus and Electroretinogram.- Unitary Event Analysis of Synchronous Activities in Cat Lateral Geniculate Nucleus (LGN).- Functional Mapping of Neural Activity in the Embryonic Avian Visual System: Optical Recording with a Voltage-Sensitive Dye.- Interactive Vision: A New Columnar System in Layer 2.- Cross-Correlation Study of Network Dynamics in the Cat Primary Visual Cortex.- Contrast-Dependent Gain Control of the Contextual Response Modulation in the Cat Primary Visual Cortex.- Contribution of Excitation and Inhibition to the Stimulus Size- and Orientation-Tuning of Response Modulation by the Receptive Field Surround in the Cat Primary Visual Cortex.- Effects of Chronic Exposure to Vertical Orientation on the Development of Orientation Preference Maps.- Self-Organization Model of Ocular Dominance Columns and Cytochrome Oxidase Blobs in the Primary Visual Cortex of Monkeys and Cats.- Long-Range Horizontal Connections Assist the Formation of Robust Orientation Maps.- Experience-Dependent Self-Organization of Visual Cortical Receptive Fields and Maps.- Distributions of Binocular Phase Disparities in Natural Stereopair Images.- A Network Model for Figure/Ground Determination Based on Contrast Information.- Neural Responses to the Uniform Surface Stimuli in the Visual Cortex of the Cat.- Cascaded Energy Model as the Basis for Neural Processing in V2.- Behavioral and Physiological Study of Color Processing in Human Brain.- Inhibitory Mechanisms Underlying Stimulus-Selective Responses of Inferior Temporal Neurons.- Key Word Index.