Basic Homological Algebra
Band 196

Basic Homological Algebra

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Fr. 92.90

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Basic Homological Algebra

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Springer Us



Maße (L/B/H)

23.5/15.5/2.3 cm



“Each chapter contains a reasonable selection of exercises. … its intended audience is second or third year graduate students in algebra, algebraic topology, or other fields that use homological algebra. … the author’s style is both readable and entertaining … . All in all, this book is a very welcome addition to the literature.” (T.W.Hungerford, zbMATH 0948.18001, 2022)

"The book is well written. We find here many examples. Each chapter is followed by exercises, and at the end of the book there are outline solutions to some of them. ... I especially appreciated the lively style of the book; compared with some other books on homological algebra, one has here the good feeling that one understands why a notion is defined in this way,that one can easily remember at least the structure of the theory, and that one is quickly able to find necessary details. The prerequisite for this book is a graduate course on algebra, but one get quite far with a modest knowledge of algebra. The book can be strongly recommended as a textbook for a course on homological algebra."

EMS Newsletter, June 2001


"The book is well written. We find here many examples. Each chapter is followed by exercises, and at the end of the book there are outline solutions to some of them. ... I especially appreciated the lively style of the book; compared with some other books on homological algebra, one has here the good feeling that one understands why a notion is defined in this way,that one can easily remember at least the structure of the theory, and that one is quickly able to find necessary details. The prerequisite for this book is a graduate course on algebra, but one get quite far with a modest knowledge of algebra. The book can be strongly recommended as a textbook for a course on homological algebra."
EMS Newsletter, June 2001







Springer Us



Maße (L/B/H)

23.5/15.5/2.3 cm


629 g


Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 2000





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  • Basic Homological Algebra
  • 1 Categories.- 2 Modules.- 2.1 Generalities.- 2.2 Tensor Products.- 2.3 Exactness of Functors.- 2.4 Projectives, Injectives, and Flats.- 3 Ext and Tor.- 3.1 Complexes and Projective Resolutions.- 3.2 Long Exact Sequences.- 3.3 Flat Resolutions and Injective Resolutions.- 3.4 Consequences.- 4 Dimension Theory.- 4.1 Dimension Shifting.- 4.2 When Flats are Projective.- 4.3 Dimension Zero.- 4.4 An Example.- 5 Change of Rings.- 5.1 Computational Considerations.- 5.2 Matrix Rings.- 5.3 Polynomials.- 5.4 Quotients and Localization.- 6 Derived Functors.- 6.1 Additive Functors.- 6.2 Derived Functors.- 6.3 Long Exact Sequences—I. Existence.- 6.4 Long Exact Sequences—II. Naturality.- 6.5 Long Exact Sequences—III. Weirdness.- 6.6 Universality of Ext.- 7 Abstract Homologieal Algebra.- 7.1 Living Without Elements.- 7.2 Additive Categories.- 7.3 Kernels and Cokernels.- 7.4 Cheating with Projectives.- 7.5 (Interlude) Arrow Categories.- 7.6 Homology in Abelian Categories.- 7.7 Long Exact Sequences.- 7.8 An Alternative for Unbalanced Categories.- 8 Colimits and Tor.- 8.1 Limits and Colimits.- 8.2 Adjoint Functors.- 8.3 Directed Colimits, ?, and Tor.- 8.4 Lazard’s Theorem.- 8.5 Weak Dimension Revisited.- 9 Odds and Ends.- 9.1 Injective Envelopes.- 9.2 Universal Coefficients.- 9.3 The Künneth Theorems.- 9.4 Do Connecting Homomorphisms Commute?.- 9.5 The Ext Product.- 9.6 The Jacobson Radical, Nakayama’s Lemma, and Quasilocal Rings.- 9.7 Local Rings and Localization Revisited (Expository).- A GCDs, LCMs, PIDs, and UFDs.- B The Ring of Entire Functions.- C The Mitchell—Freyd Theorem and Cheating in Abelian Categories.- D Noether Correspondences in Abelian Categories.- Solution Outlines.- References.- Symbol Index.