Principles of Institutional and Evolutionary Political Economy
Applied to Current World Problems
Fr. 72.90
inkl. gesetzl. MwSt.Beschreibung
Springer SingaporeSeitenzahl
Maße (L/B/H)
23.5/15.5/2.5 cm
This is the very first book to explicitly both detail the core general principles of institutional and evolutionary political economy and also apply the principles to current world problems such as the coronavirus crisis, climate change, corruption, AI-Robotics, policy-governance, money and financial instability, terrorism, AIDS-HIV and the nurturance gap. No other book has ever detailed explicitly such core principles and concepts nor ever applied them explicitly to numerous current major problems. The core general principles and concepts in this book, which are outlined and detailed include historical specificity & evolution; hegemony & uneven development; circular & cumulative causation; heterogeneous groups & agents; contradiction & creative destruction; uncertainty; innovation; and policy & governance.
This book details the nature of how these principles and concepts can be used to explain current critical issues and problems throughout the world. This book includes updated chapters that have won two journal research
Article of the Year Awards
on climate change (one from the European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy, EAEPE); as well as a Presidential address to the Association for Evolutionary Economics (AFEE) on corruption.
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