Understanding Physics

Understanding Physics

Teacher Guide

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Fr. 119.00

Understanding Physics

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Springer Us



Maße (L/B/H)

26/18.3/5 cm



From the reviews:
"Understanding Physics provides a thorough grounding in contemporary physics while placing physics into its social and historical context...develops facility in critical thinking, reasoned argumentation, evaluation of evidence, mathematical modelling, and ethical values."
--Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics
"The writing is clear and...precise...it would be possible to assemble a very interesting and exciting course using this text. The general university undergraduate needs to be acquainted with these basic ideas - and this might be just the place to start!"
--The Physicist
"If a book is required which develops the basic concepts of physics in a detailed but completely readable and always interesting way from first principles, then this could certainly be a candidate. It uses the rather outdated historical approach to each chapter’s material, but far from obscuring the important physical results, the approach as used here has been so carefully constructed that one is led to an understanding of the concepts without really noticing that one has arrived!" (Prof. F. W. Bullock, Contemporary Physics, Vol. 44 (6), 2003)
"Understanding Physics is an integrated introductory physics course written primarily for undergraduate college students … . I was much impressed by the quality of this textbook. I think that one could recommend it … as supplementary reading for undergraduate students in physics. ... Professor G. Holton, one of the three authors, is well known for his numerous contributions to the history of science and to epistemology. His influence has left a clear imprint on the style of presentation of Understanding Physics." (Freddy Binon, Physicalia, Vol. 25 (4), 2003)
"Understanding Physics provides a thorough grounding in contemporary physics while placing physics into its social and historical context. Based in large part on the highly respected Project Physics Coursedeveloped by two of the authors, it also integrates the results of recent pedagogical research. The text thus teaches the basic phenomena in the physical world and the concepts developed to explain them; … develops facility in critical thinking, reasoned argumentation, evaluation of evidence, mathematical modelling, and ethical values." (Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, Vol. 84 (1-2), 2003)
"Basic laboratory experiments are also included in this guide that would be a valuable aid for anyone presenting this course. … The writing is clear and … precise. The presentation is generally good with many interesting photos and clear drawings. … In all cases the field is developed slowly and carefully which would be appreciated by students new to the concepts of physics. … The general university undergraduate needs to be acquainted with these basic ideas – and this might be just the place to start!" (L. Peak, The Physicist, Vol. 40 (2), 2003)
"This is a revised and updated version of



Gebundene Ausgabe




Springer Us



Maße (L/B/H)

26/18.3/5 cm


2017 g







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  • Understanding Physics
  • From the contents:

    The World Around Us
    -Part I. Inventing Science: Ancient Answers to Eternal Questions. Motion Matters. Astronomy Becomes Physics. Understanding Motion. The Newtonian World.
    -Part II. The New Physics: Energy Gets Physical. Electricity, Magnetism, Radiation. To the Frontiers: Relativity. The Universe Beyond.
    -Part III. Inward and Outward Bound: Energy, Matter, Waves, and Light. Heat: A Matter of Motion. Following the Atomic Trail. Putting it All Together. Quantum Mechanics.
    -Part IV. Closing the Circle: Probing the Nucleus. Leashing and Unleashing Nuclear Energy. Atoms, Energy, and Humankind. Beyond the Frontiers.