Optimization of Elliptic Systems
Theory and Applications
Fr. 210.00
inkl. gesetzl. MwSt.Beschreibung
Gebundene Ausgabe
Springer UsSeitenzahl
Maße (L/B/H)
24.1/16/3.3 cm
The present monograph is intended to provide a comprehensive and accessible introduction to the optimization of elliptic systems. This area of mathematical research, which has many important applications in science and technology. has experienced an impressive development during the past two decades. There are already many good textbooks dealing with various aspects of optimal design problems. In this regard, we refer to the works of Pironneau [1984], Haslinger and Neittaanmaki [1988], [1996], Sokolowski and Zolksio [1992], Litvinov [2000], Allaire [2001], Mohammadi and Pironneau [2001], Delfour and Zolksio [2001], and Makinen and Haslinger [2003]. Already Lions [I9681 devoted a major part of his classical monograph on the optimal control of partial differential equations to the optimization of elliptic systems. Let us also mention that even the very first known problem of the calculus of variations, the brachistochrone studied by Bernoulli back in 1696. is in fact a shape optimization problem. The natural richness of this mathematical research subject, as well as the extremely large field of possible applications, has created the unusual situation that although many important results and methods have already been est- lished, there are still pressing unsolved questions. In this monograph, we aim to address some of these open problems; as a consequence, there is only a minor overlap with the textbooks already existing in the field.
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