Advances in Mathematical and Statistical Modeling

Advances in Mathematical and Statistical Modeling

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Advances in Mathematical and Statistical Modeling

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Barry C. Arnold + weitere


Birkhäuser Boston





From the reviews:

“This book is a Festschrift in honor of Professor Enrique Castillo. … The book’s coverage is quite broad, as are Professor Castillo’s interests. The book should be a good addition to any library.” (David E. Booth, Technometrics, Vol. 51 (3), August, 2009)



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Birkhäuser Boston



Maße (L/B/H)

26/18.3/2.7 cm


954 g







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  • Advances in Mathematical and Statistical Modeling
  • Preface
    List of Contributors
    List of Tables
    List of Figures
    Part I. Distribution Theory and Applications
    Enrique Castillo's Contributions to Conditional Specification / B. C. Arnold
    The Polygonal Distribution / D. Karlis and E. Xekalaki
    Conditionally Specified Models: New Developments and Applications / J. M. Sarabia, M. Sarabia, and M. Pascual
    Modelling of Insurance Claim Count with Hurdle Distribution for Panel Data / J.-P. Boucher, M. Denuit, and M. Guillén
    Distance-Based Association and Multi-Sample Tests for General Multivariate Data / C. M. Cuadras
    Part II. Probability and Statistics
    Empirical Bayes Assessment of the Hyperparameters in Bayesian Factor Analysis / S. J. Press, K.-I. Shin, and L. S. Eun
    Part III. Order Statistics and Analysis
    Negative Mixtures, Order Statistics, and Systems / J. Navarro and P. J. Hernández
    Models of Ordered Data and Products of Beta Random Variables / E. Beutner and U. Kamps
    Exact Inference and Optimal Censoring Scheme for a Simple Step-Stress Model Under Progressive Type-II Censoring / Q. Xie, N. Balakrishnan, and D. Han
    Part IV. Engineering Modeling
    Non-Gaussian State Estimation in Power Systems / R. Mínguez, A. J. Conejo, and A.S. Hadi
    Statistics Applied to Wave Climate on a Beach Profile / C. Castillo and C. Solares
    Part V. Extreme Value Theory
    On Some Dependence Measures for Multivariate Extreme-Value Distributions / I. Weissman
    Ratio of Maximum to the Sum for Testing Super Heavy Tails / C. Neves and I. Fraga Alves
    Tail Behavior: An Empirical Study / M. I. Gomes, D. Pestana, L. Rodriguez, and C. Viseu
    An Example of Real-Life Data Where the Hill Estimator is Correct / R.-D. Reiss and U. Cormann
    Part VI. Business and Economics Applications
    Deriving Credibility Premiums Under Different Bayesian Methodology / E. G. Déniz
    The Influence of Transport Links on Disaggregation and Regionalization Methods in Interregional Input-Output Models Between Metropolitan and Remote Areas / F. Escobedo and J. M. Ureña
    Part VII. Statistical Methods
    Jackknife Bias Correction of a Clock Offset Estimator / D. R. Jeske
    Pretesting in Polytomous Logistic Regression Models Based on Phi-divergence Measures / L. Pardo, M. L. Menéndez, and M. Martín
    A Unified Approach to Model Selection, Discrimination, Goodness of Fit and Outliers in Time Series / D. Peña and P. Galeano
    Generalized Linear Models Diagnostics for Binary Data using Divergence Measures / J. A. Pardo and M. C. Pardo
    Part VIII. Applied Mathematics
    Some Problems in Geometric Processing of Surfaces / J. Puig-Pey, A. Gálvez, A. Iglesias, P. Corcuera, and J. Rodríguez
    Generalized Inverse Computation Based on an Orthogonal Decomposition Methodology / P. Gómez, B. Lacruz, and R. E. Pruneda
    Single and Ensemble Fault Classifiers Based on Features Selected by Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithms / E. Zio, P. Baraldi, G. Golam, and N. Pedroni
    Feasibility Conditions in Engineering Problems Involving a Parametric System of Linear Inequalities / C. Solares and E. W. V. Chaves
    Forecasting Nonlinear Systems with Neural Networks via Anticipated Synchronization / C. Herrera, D. San-Martín, A. S. Cofiño, and J. M. Gutiérrez
    Part IX. Discrete Distributions
    The Discrete Half-Normal Distribution / A.W. Kemp
    Parameter Estimation for Certain q-Hypergeometric Distributions / D. Kemp