Wireless World

Wireless World

Social and Interactional Aspects of the Mobile Age

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Wireless World

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Barry Brown + weitere


Springer London





"... an inspired and insightful collection of observations of the use of mobile technology... a valuable resource for both researchers and designers alike."
(Marge Eldridge, Xerox Research Centre Europe, UK)
"Working with the speed of the technologiesthey study, these researchers and product developers provide a rare opportunity to understand the cultural and social effects of a new technology as it emerges, rather than waiting decades for historical and sociological accounts."
(Jonathan Grudin, Microsoft Research, US.)
"... looks in depth and detail about how people actually use mobiles: how they assemble their lives and re-assemble technologies to fit them. Essential reading for designers, sociologists and anyone just interested in how the "always-connected" world works."
(Professor Mike Robinson, University of Jyvaskyla, Finland)








Springer London



Maße (L/B/H)

23.5/15.5/1.4 cm


376 g


Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 2002





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  • Wireless World
  • 1 Introduction.- 1 Studying the Use of Mobile Technology.- 1.1 Introduction.- 1.2 Understanding the Technology.- 1.3 Tracing the Non-development of the Mobile Phone.- 1.4 Understanding the Technology in Use.- 1.5 Overview of the Book.- Notes.- References.- 2 Locating Mobile Technology.- 2 The Mutable Mobile: Social Theory in the Wireless World.- 2.1 Introduction.- 2.2 Transparency, Visibility, Audibility.- 2.3 Conjuctions of Remote and Co-present Interaction.- 2.4 Mobility and Location.- 2.5 Being Available.- 2.6 Conclusion: Mobile Theory.- Notes.- References.- 3 Who’s Watching Whom? Monitoring and Accountability in Mobile Relations.- 3.1 Introduction.- 3.2 Surveillance and Mobile Technologies.- 3.3 Who’s Watching Whom?.- 3.4 Surveillance and Accountability.- Notes.- References.- 4 The Region as a Socio-Technical Accomplishment of Mobile Workers.- 4.1 Introduction.- 4.2 Pre-assembled Parts.- 4.3 Assembling a Mobile Office.- 4.4 Boundary Work.- 4.5 Out of a Mobile Office.- 4.6 Broken Parts.- 4.7 Summing up a Region.- Notes.- References.- 5 Mobile Communications in the Twenty-first Century City.- 5.1 Introduction: The Arrival of Mass Mobile Communications in the City.- 5.2 Object and Self—:Personal Relationships with Mobile Telephones.- 5.3 City and System.- 5.4 Conclusions: Rethinking the City.- Notes.- References.- 3 From Ethnography to Use.- 6 Seeing the “Rules”: Preliminary Observations of Action, Interaction and Mobile Phone Use.- 6.1 Introduction.- 6.2 Analytical Background.- 6.3 Ethnomethodology, Technology and Situated Practice.- 6.4 Rules, Social Action and Technology Use: The Case of Air Traffic Control.- 6.5 Displaying the ‘Rules’.- 6.6 Non-vocal Responses.- 6.7 Body Movements.- 6.8 The Unanswered Phone.- 6.9 Other Common Sense Considerations.- 6.10 Time.- 6.11 Conversational Topic.- 6.12 Future Research and Future Technology: The Issue of Design.- 6.13 Conclusion.- Notes.- References.- 7 Local Use and Sharing of Mobile Phones.- 7.1 Introduction.- 7.2 Mobile Phone Research.- 7.3 In the Field.- 7.4 Sharing of Mobile Phones.- 7.5 Discussion.- Notes.- References.- 8 Running and Grimacing: The Struggle for Balance in Mobile Work.- 8.1 Introduction.- 8.2 Intel’s Architecture Labs and Mobile Technologies.- 8.3 The Technological Imperative: “Anytime, Anywhere Computing”.- 8.4 Access to Other People.- 8.5 Awareness and Coordination.- 8.6 Creating Information.- 8.7 Conclusion.- Notes.- References.- 9 Blurring the Boundaries: Cell Phones, Mobility, and the Line between Work and Personal Life.- 9.1 Introduction.- 9.2 The Social Meaning and Influence of Settings.- 9.3 One-person, One-number: The Trial of a Personal Phone.- 9.4 Results.- 9.5 Conclusions.- References.- 4 From Use to Design.- 10 Welcome to the Wireless World: Problems Using and Understanding Mobile Telephony.- 10.1 Introduction.- 10.2 Related Work.- 10.3 Method of Study.- 10.4 Findings: Attributes of Wireless Telephony.- 10.5 Conclusions.- References.- 11 Framing Mobile Collaborations and Mobile Technologies.- 11.1 Introduction.- 11.2 Creating the Consumption of Mobile Devices.- 11.3 Understanding Representations of Mobile Workers.- 11.4 Understanding the Practice of Mobile Work.- 11.5 Broadening the Concept of Mobile Work: Reflections on Fieldwork.- 11.6 Putting it all Together: Design Frameworks for Collaboration on the Move.- 11.7 Conclusions and Summary.- Notes.- References.- 12 Exploring the Relationship between Mobile Phone and Document Activity during Business Travel.- 12.1 Introduction.- 12.2 Our Approach.- 12.3 Previous Research.- 12.4 The Study.- 12.5 Findings.- 12.6 Implications for Mobile Technologies.- 12.7 Conclusion.- Notes.- References.- 13 Usability of Portable Devices: The Case of WAP.- 13.1 Introduction.- 13.2 Usability.- 13.3 User Perceptions of a First Generation WAP Service.- 13.4 Results.- 13.5 The Right Approach to Portability.- 13.6 Conclusion.- References.- 14 The Mobile Interface: Old Technologies and New Arguments.- 14.1 Introduction.- 14.2 Current Forms of the Interface.- 14.3 Radical Form Factors.- 14.4 User Perceptions of the Mobile Interface.- 14.5 Interfaces to Social Process.- 14.6 Conclusions.- References.