Roman Jakobson: Selected Writings / Word and Language
Fr. 241.00
inkl. gesetzl. MwSt.Beschreibung
Set mit diversen Artikeln
De Gruyter OldenbourgSeitenzahl
Maße (L/B/H)
23.6/16/6.4 cm
Frontmatter -- A. MORPHOLOGICAL STUDIES -- Zur Struktur des russischen Verbums -- Les enclitiques slaves -- Beitrag zur allgemeinen Kasuslehre: Gesamtbedeutungen der russischen Kasus -- Notes on Gilyak -- Texte guilyak -- The Phonemic and Grammatical Aspects of Language in their Interrelations -- Comparative Slavic Grammar -- Russian Conjugation -- Shifters, Verbal Categories, and the Russian Verb -- The Relationship between Genitive and Plural in the Declension of Russian Nouns -- Морфологические наблюдения над славянским склонением -- The Gender Pattern of Russian -- On the Rumanian Neuter -- Строй украинского императива -- Relationship between Russian Stem Suffixes and Verbal Aspects -- Дублеты типа сочкле/счёл в показаниях Т. Фенне о языке Пскова на пороге XVII века -- В. CRUCIAL QUESTIONS OF LINGUISTIC THEORY -- Signe zéro -- Das Nullzeichen -- Pattern in Linguistics (Contribution to Debates with Anthropologists) -- Aphasia as a Linguistic Topic -- Two Aspects of Language and Two Types of Aphasic Disturbances -- On Linguistic Aspects of Translation -- Linguistic Glosses to Goldstein's “Wortbegriff” -- Zeichen und System der Sprache -- Parts and Wholes in Language -- Anthony's Contribution to Linguistic Theory -- Toward a Linguistic Classification of Aphasic Impairments -- Linguistic Types of Aphasia -- Visual and Auditory Signs -- On the Relation between Visual and Auditory Signs -- Quest for the Essence of Language -- Да и нет в мимике -- С. TOWARD A NOMOTHETIC SCIENCE OF LANGUAGE -- One of the Speculative Anticipations: An Old Russian Treatise on the Divine and Human Word -- Языковедческие бои генерала Мрозиньского: памятка и напоминание -- Jan Baudouin de Courtenay -- The Kazan's School of Polish Linguistics and Its Place in the International Development of Phonology -- Значение Крушевского в развитии науки о языке -- Polish-Russian Cooperation in the Science of Language -- Henry Sweet's Path Toward Phonemics -- Языковые проблемы в трудах Т. Г. Масарика -- Franz Boas' Approach to Language -- Boas' View of Grammatical Meaning -- Antoine Meillet zum Gedächtnis -- Nikolaj Sergeevič Trubetzkoy (16. April 1890-25. Juni 1938) -- Sergej Karcevskij: August 28, 1884-November 7, 1955 -- Efforts Towards a Means-Ends Model of Language in Interwar Continental Linguistics -- An Example of Migratory Terms and Institutional Models (On the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Moscow Linguistic Circle) -- La Scuola Linguistica di Praga -- Die Arbeit der sogenannten “Prager Schule” -- Musikwissenschaft und Linguistik -- Results of a Joint Conference of Anthropologists and Linguists -- Introduction to the Symposium on the Structure of Language and Its Mathematical Aspects -- Linguistics and Communication Theory -- Implications of Language Universals for Linguistics -- Results of the Ninth International Congress of Linguists -- D. PHILOLOGICAL GLEANINGS -- Die Reimwörter Čech-Lech -- Vestiges of the Earliest Russian Vernacular -- While Reading Vasmer's Dictionary -- Tempus ← Rotatio → Adulterium -- E. INTERDISCIPLINARY OUTLOOKS -- Linguistics in Relation to Other Sciences -- Language in Relation to Other Communication Systems -- Retrospect -- Indexes -- Index of Names -- Index of Peoples and Languages -- Index of Subjects
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