Potter, A: Don't You Forget About Me
An escapist, magical romcom from the author of CONFESSIONS OF A FORTY-SOMETHING F##K UP!
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After a bad break up, doesn't every girl want the same things?
* For her ex-boyfriend to stay single forever...
* Or maybe emigrate, to a remote, uninhabited island?
* Better still, that she'd never met him in the first place!
But what if one of those wishes came true?
Tess is heartbroken when Seb breaks up with her and can't help blaming herself. If only she'd done things differently. If only she could make right all her regrets... But she can't. It's over. She has to forget about him. Drunk and upset on New Year's Eve she wishes she'd never met him.
But when she wakes up to discover this dream has come true, she realises she has a chance. To do it all over again. And to get it right this time...
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