

The (Mostly) Plant-Based Plan to Burn Fat, Boost Your Energy, Crush Your Cravings, and Calm Inflammation: A Cookbook

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This important book artfully expands access to the powerfully beneficial ketogenic diet. Shifting the body s fuel from sugar to fat is immensely powerful and clearly optimizes health. Ketotarian presents a user-friendly, actionable plan so that everyone can embrace and implement this exciting and leading-edge science.
--David Perlmutter, MD, New York Times bestselling author of Grain Brain and The Grain Brain Whole Life Plan

The Ketotarian way of eating takes the best of ketogenic diets and the best of vegan diets to create a plan that is excellent for your mitochondria and your microbiome -- both of which are critical for a healthy brain. A must-have for anyone wanting to try a ketogenic diet!
--Terry Wahls, MD, IFMCP, author of The Wahls Protocol
"Dr. Will Cole brings his years of clinical experience to the table with this great new book. Ketogenic diets are often considered meat based, but there are many plant based options as well. This book brings a fantastic, fresh perspective to light."
--Jason Fung, MD, author of The Obesity Code
I trust Dr. Will Cole whenever I have any client who needs a functional medicine perspective for their health issues. His deep knowledge and experience for all things wellness is unparalleled. Ketotarian brings a plant-based and ketogenic diet together beautifully. It is sure to be an essential for healthy living.
--Kelly LeVeque, celebrity nutritionist and author of Body Love
"The science developing around Keto is exciting, so having someone as knowledgeable as Will write Ketotarian is essential for embracing keto in a plant-based way."
--Jason Wachob, founder and CEO of mindbodygreen and author of Wellth
"It is always one genius or another who creates new ways of combining ideas to make them even more powerful, and therefore more helpful. This time Dr. Will Cole has done it with Ketotarian, which I predict will power a movement. I am jealous that I didn t think of it first, but so happy that such a brilliant mind, and more importantly, such a great doctor has done it and now will be available to everyone s benefit." 
--Alejandro Junger, MD, New York Times bestselling author of Clean Gut and Clean Eats 
Dr. Will Cole has done the ketogenic diet the right way! This fresh, new spin on the keto diet is a great way to take your health to the next level. By combining the best of a plant-based diet and the best of the ketogenic diet, Ketotarian is both healing and delicious.
--Josh Axe, DNM, DC, CNS, author of Eat Dirt
This book is a game changer. If you want to know how to do a ketogenic diet and a plant based diet the right way, look no further.
--Frank Lipman, MD, New York Times bestselling author of The New Health Rules
Dr. Will Cole's Ketotarian is hands down the best way for anyone to go plant-based. All the food you need to eat is easily laid out for maximum nutrition and maximum healing -- no more second guessing. It will be everything you need and more.
--Lauren Scruggs Kennedy, author, lifestyle blogger and entrepreneur
"For years, I struggled to find a way to feel balanced and healthy. Dr. Will Cole played a huge role in helping me find a way to re-boot my system and make me feel strong again, whether at home or on the road. Now, I m back to feeling empowered and in control of my body, and I know that is in part because of the way Dr. Cole guided me down the path toward daily optimal health."
--Kathryn Budig, international yoga teacher and author of Aim True

"Having been a vegan or vegaquarian for more than 23 years, I understand the true challenges of conscious eating and practical life. Ketotarian offers a simple healthful approach, grounded in credible science, to help you thrive and achieve optimal wellness. I'm hugely grateful that Dr. Will Cole is leading this paradigm shift for humanity and the planet." 
--Christopher Gavigan, co-founder of The Honest Company and author of Healthy Child Healthy World
  Will Cole is one of the most knowledgeable functional medicine experts I've had the pleasure of working with. For those looking to experience big changes without any sense of deprivation, this book is a must-read.
--Liz Moody, author of Glow Pops and senior food editor at mindbodygreen
  Dr. Will Cole shows us how to invest in ourselves thru proper diet and nutrition. After all, health is wealth. What a beautiful way to take care of our future today.
--Kelly Rutherford, actress
  Dr. Cole is a thought leader in whole-person health and someone I respect and learn from. The combination of plants and fasting represents the solution to the health crisis in the Western world. This book teaches that less is more, and we should all follow suit.
--Joel Kahn, MD, FACC, author of The Plant-Based Solution
"Dr. Cole's new book is highly informative, yet easy to understand when it comes to what we should be eating and how to combat issues you might be facing. It's very important for my clients to know the 'why' behind how certain foods can affect them, and I believe this book gives great insight into solving some of those unanswered questions."
--Nikki Sharp, wellness expert and author of The 5-Day Real Food Detox









Penguin LLC US



Maße (L/B/H)

23.1/18.7/2 cm


721 g





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  • Ketotarian