Handbook of GC-MS
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Handbook of GC-MS Fundamentals and Applications

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  • Handbook of GC-MS
  • Table of contents

    1 Introduction

    1.1 The Historical Development of the GC-MS Technique

    2 Fundamentals

    2.1 Sample Preparation

    Solid Phase Extraction

    Dispersive Solid Phase Extraction

    Micro Solid Phase Extraction

    Solid Phase Microextraction

    Pressurized Liquid Extraction

    In-Cell Sample Preparation

    In-Cell Moisture Removal

    In-Cell Hydrocarbon Oxidation

    Headspace Techniques

    Static Headspace Technique

    Dynamic Headspace Technique (Purge and Trap)

    Coupling of Purge and Trap with GC-MS Systems

    Headspace versus Purge and Trap

    Adsorptive Enrichment and Thermal Desorption

    Sample Collection




    Foil Pyrolysis

    Curie Point Pyrolysis

    Micro-furnace Pyrolysis

    Thermal Extraction (Outgassing)

    QuEChERS Sample Preparation

    2.2 Gas Chromatography

    Sample Inlet Systems

    Carrier Gas Regulation

    Forward Pressure Regulation

    Back Pressure Regulation

    Carrier Gas Saving

    Injection Port Septa

    Septum Purge

    The MicroSeal Septum

    Injection Port Liner

    Split Injection

    Splitless Injection

    Liner Activity and Deactivation

    Liner Geometry

    Vaporizing Sample Injection Techniques

    Hot Needle Thermo Spray Injection Technique

    Cold Needle Liquid Band Injection Technique

    Filled Needle Injections

    Split Injection

    Splitless Injection (Total Sample Transfer)

    Concurrent Solvent Recondensation

    Concurrent Backflush

    Temperature Programmable Injection Systems

    The PTV Cold Injection System

    The PTV Injection Procedures

    The Multimode Injector


    PTV Cryo-Enrichment

    Non-Vaporizing injection Techniques

    On-Column Injection update

    PTV On-Column Injection

    LC-GC Liquid transfer

    Capillary Column Choice and Separation Optimization

    Choice of Carrier Gas

    Sample Capacity

    Internal Diameter

    Film Thickness

    Column Length

    Setting the Carrier Gas Flow

    Properties of Column Phases

    Properties of Ionic Liquid Phases

    Chromatography Parameters

    The Chromatogram and Its Meaning

    Capacity Factor k'

    Chromatographic Resolution

    Factors Affecting the Resolution

    Maximum Sample Capacity

    Peak Symmetry

    Optimization of Carrier Gas Flow

    Effect of Oven Temperature Ramp Rate

    Fast Gas Chromatography Solutions

    Fast Chromatography

    Ultra-Fast Chromatography

    Multi-Dimensional Gas Chromatography

    Heart Cutting

    Comprehensive GC - GC×GC



    Data Handling

    Moving Capillary Stream Switching

    Classical Detectors for GC-MS Systems

    Flame-Ionization Detector (FID)

    Nitrogen-Phosphorous Detector (NPD)

    Electron Capture Detector (ECD)

    Photo Ionization Detector (PID)

    Electrolytical Conductivity Detector (ELCD)

    Flamephotometric Detector (FPD)

    Pulsed Discharge Detector (PDD) u


    Classical Detectors Parallel to the Mass Spectrometer re

    Microchannel Devices

    2.3 Mass Spectrometry

    Ionization Processes

    Reading Mass Spectra

    Electron Ionization

    Chemical Ionization

    Resolution Power

    Resolving Power and Resolution in Mass Spectrometry

    Unit Mass Resolution

    High Mass Resolution

    The Orbitrap Analyser

    High and Low Mass Resolution in the Case of Dioxin Analysis

    Time-of-Flight Analyser

    Ion Mobility

    Isotope Ratio Monitoring GC-MS

    The Principles of Isotope Ratio Monitoring

    Notations in irm-GC-MS

    Isotopic Fractionation

    irm-GC-MS Technology

    The Open Split Interface

    Compound Specific Isotope Analysis

    On-Line Combustion for d 13C and d 15N Detrmination

    The Oxidation Reactor

    The Reduction Reactor

    Water Removal

    The Liquid Nitrogen Trap

    On-Line High Temperature Conversion for d 2H and d 18O Determination

    Mass Spectrometer for Isotope Ratio Analysis

    Injection of Reference Gases

    Isotope Reference Materials

    Acquisition Techniques in GC-MS

    Detection of the Complete Mass Spectrum (Full Scan)

    Recording Individual Masses (SIM/MID)

    High Resolution Accurate Mass MID Data Acquisition

    MS/MS ? Tandem Mass Spectrometry

    Mass Calibration

    Vacuum Systems


    3 Evaluation of GC-MS Analyses

    3.1 Display of Chromatograms

    Total Ion Current Chromatograms

    Mass Chromatograms

    3.2 Substance Identification

    Extraction of Mass Spectra

    Manual Spectrum Subtraction

    Deconvolution of Mass Spectra

    The Retention Index

    Libraries of Mass Spectra

    Universal Mass Spectral Libraries

    Application Libraries of Mass Spectra

    Library Search Programs

    The NIST Search Procedure

    Interpretation of Mass Spectra

    Isotope Patterns

    Fragmentation and Rearrangement Reactions

    DMOX Derivatives for Location of Double Bond Positions

    Mass Spectroscopic Features of Selected Substance Classes

    Volatile Halogenated Hydrocarbons

    Benzene/Toluene/Ethylbenzene/Xylenes (BTEX, Alkylaromatics)

    Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs)



    Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)

    Polychlorinated Dioxins/Furans (PCDDs/PCDFs)



    ChemicalWarfare Agents

    Brominated Flame Retardants (BFR)

    3.3 Quantitation

    Acquisition Rate

    Decision Limit

    Limit of Detection

    Limit of Quantitation


    The Calibration Function

    Quantitation and Standardization

    External Standardization

    Internal Standardization

    The Standard Addition Procedure

    The Accuracy of Analytical Data

    3.4 Frequently Occurring Impurities


    4 Applications

    Air Analysis According to EPA Method TO-14

    BTEX in Surface Water as of EPA Method 8260

    Static Headspace Analysis of Volatile Priority Pollutants

    MAGIC 60 -Analysis of Volatile Organic Compounds

    irm-GC-MS of Volatile Organic Compounds Using Purge and Trap Extraction

    Flavour Identification

    Organotin Compounds in Water

    Multi-Method for Pesticides by Single Quadrupole MS

    Analysis of Dithiocarbamate Pesticides

    GC-MS/MS Target Compound Analysis of Pesticide Residues in Difficult Matrices

    Multi-Component Pesticide Analysis by MS/MS

    Multiresidue Pesticides Analysis in Ayurvedic Churna

    Determination of Polar Aromatic Amines by SPME

    Analysis of Nitrosamines in Beer

    Phthalates in Liquors

    Analysis of the Natural Spice Ingredients Capsaicin, Piperine, Thymol and Cinnamaldehyde

    Aroma Profiling of Cheese by Thermal Extraction

    48 Allergens

    Analysis of Azo Dyes in Leather and Textiles

    Identification of Extractables and Leachables

    Metabolite Profiling of Natural Volatiles and Extracts

    Fast GC Quantification of 16 EC Priority PAH Components

    Multiclass Environmental Contaminants in Fish

    Fast GC of PCBs

    Dioxin Screening in Food and Feed

    Confirmation Analysis of Dioxins and Dioxin-like PCBs

    Analysis of Brominated Flame Retardants PBDE

    Comprehensive Drug Screening and Quantitation

    Determination of THC-Carbonic Acid in Urine by NCI

    Detection of Drugs in Hair

    Screening for Drugs of Abuse

    Structural Elucidation by Chemical Ionization and MS/MS

    Volatile Compounds in Car Interior Materials



    Further Reading
